Monday, March 3, 2014


We picked up Tyvek for the cabin yesterday...  three big rolls shoved in the back of my truck...( Don't know what Tyvek is... well, I was going to pull an Eldon, and say, "Google it!")  It's a material that you wrap your house with - water resistance, but breathable.

Actually, what we bought isn't exactly Tyvek - A contractor in Salt Lake bought all this house wrap stuff, and wanted to market it as an upgrade to what they were using.  This stuff is blue and it is manufactured in Canada!!!  Well, the whole upsell idea fell short and they just wanted to sell it.  It's amazing, so we bought it.

Our storage buildings are full to the brim now... thank goodness we're about to start the build!

On a side note - our realtor called today, and the guy who owns the property next to our three lots wants to sell us a 4th piece of property...  Decisions, decisions, decisions...


And we bought scaffolding today!  With a 17 foot vaulted ceiling, there's no other way to get up there.  I'm going to be like Michelangelo!


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