Wednesday, April 13, 2016


We are working hard to submit all the paperwork for our building permit... all I can say is, "Picky Picky Picky".  I think there's a thousand different picky little parts.

My job this week was to get the water certificate.  This tells Kane County that there is water available to be hooked up on our property... This entailed calling the water department, and nicely asking for the paperwork.  Well, the guy who is in charge of the water department, doesn't answer his Utah telephone during winter months, and we didn't have his Las Vegas telephone number... After a little investigation, I found the Las Vegas number, called it, and the man informed me that it's not a certificate, it's a letter.... sigh...

I've requested the "letter" which is supposed to take 2 - 3 days, and then the General Contractor (Jim) will assign me a new project.

Some of us can only work on one assignment at a time..

...another grand adventure...


1 comment:

  1. Cheri's next projects - - Approval from Land Use Authority to reside on the property. (Kane County) and also - Create a Wildland Urban Interface Plan (WUI). This should take a while.
