Friday, April 15, 2016


The next assignment that Jim gave me was to write the Wildlife Urban Interface Plan to submit with the application for the Building Permit...  I have read through the instructions, and I'm still going, "HUH?"

So, last night, I told Jim that I was going to go to Google and see if there are any examples of this plan that I can take a peek at, and get an idea what it is exactly.

Well, I did...  And, I've found out that it's actually a plan telling the county what you are doing to protect your home and the surrounding area from fire..  Why didn't they just say that..

They want to know if there are fire hydrants around, or wells, and what materials your home is being built with, and the positioning of the home on the property... stuff like that..

Groan...  They could have just cut through the chase, and not freaked me out with this long and over complicated quasi explanation.


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