Sunday, May 21, 2017

Um... don't know where to begin

Well, we made another trip down south this weekend...  We had some specific goals that we wanted to achieve - one being, to move the RV out of storage and put it on the cabin property..

We got down to the site at about 4 in the afternoon, and met with our contractor for a little meeting - make sure we were on the same page.  We've got the framing package paid and ready to go, but a few little things need to get done before they can start framing... like back-filling around the cabin...  So, after a  little meeting, we understand each other, and are ready to go.

We decided to go back to Panguitch and get the motor home... on the way, we spy a new restaurant in the area and decide to try it gets some Texas beef sliders and they were amazing...  I decide to try the soup with a side of hummus and vegetables...  I really try not to be hurtful, but when I had a taste of the soup, well, let's just say, it was less than expected...  the hummus was acceptable, but was LOADED with garlic and Jim complained that all night long, that's all he could smell.. poor thing..

We get to the RV storage area, and see that someone has blocked out RV in.. I make several phone calls, and nobody answers... So, we decide to do a 36 point turn to wedge the RV out.  Jim figured that the battery in the RV was probably dead, so we brought a battery to jump it off... After a couple of tries, we realize the extra battery is dead, so we have to jump the RV off the truck... mission accomplished.  Then, after a couple of tries, we got the RV out and moved up to the property.

We have power at the property, so it was a matter of backing the RV down the driveway, and then plugging it into the temporary power pole...  Only one small problem - there's an adapter that we need to attach to the RV to plug it in... and it's SOMEWHERE in the RV... and it's pitch dark.... and we don't have flashlights..

Jim takes his phone, and I can see him looking in cupboards and here and there inside the RV.. About half way through this adventure, Jim comes to the truck where I am waiting, and he says..."I got my hand stuck in a mousetrap... and I stepped on one... Well, the one he stepped on was a glue trap, and it was glued to the bottom of his shoe.... giggle...  I pull it off, and he goes back to looking for the adapter.(When we put our RV in storage, we decided to put mousetraps down.. just in case... just to let you know, there were no mouses caught over the winter which I am taking to mean, there are no mouses in the RV.. thank goodness)... I get in on the action, and smashed my finger on the side of a cupboard, and it tore my nail off...not pretty... still not pretty today...

We finally find the adapter and get the power on and the heat on... so far so good.

We bought a different bed mattress for the RV because the one that was there really caused havoc with my shoulder.  Remember, it's pitch dark out... and we're pulling this mattress off the trailer, and wedging it into the RV..  Somehow, the mattress doesn't want to bend in half, and around a corner to get it onto the bed platform..By the time we got the job done, (mainly by Jim), it had totally worn us out, and we turned in for the night...

I cooked a really nice breakfast in our wok... bacon, waffles, and hashbrowns...  it's amazing what you can do with a wok..  giggle.

We checked out the cabin, and our neighbor had cleaned the whole area.. it was fabulous... all the nails were picked up, and the plethora of building materials that were left laying around, were gone,  all the garbage gone.... Was so nice...  You can't imagine how grateful we were.

Jim had to make some repairs on his backhoe - I'd explain what he did, but... let's just say, I don't have a clue what was wrong, except there was some part that failed and it was filling up with too much gas, and it was stalling out...  (The brass float had a leak, filled up with fuel and sank.  Hence the fuel bowl was over-flowing and the engine was running rich.)  So, he got it fixed...  did a little backhoe work for the neighbor, and then some hose busted..... (One of the hydraulic hoses on the backhoe burst), not going to even attempt to say what hose... (Backhoe)

Jim organized a little bit in the conex... there's tons of stuff going in there, and it was really bugging Jim that it was so unorganized.  He had bought a couple of shelf units, assembled them, and then put the boxes and boxes of stuff that has been waiting in storage, onto the shelves in a nice organized manner... There's still lots of stuff to do in there, but it was a good start..

Again, we saw our usual animal fare - rabbits, and a dead skunk on the road, bleh . . . , chipmunks and squirrels, lots of deer, and even a couple of pronghorns this time...  We have tons of tracks all over the property, so I think the deer are checking out our progress when we leave.  Glad we have their approval.

The adventure continues - with or without the mouse traps... another grand adventure.

Jim and Cheri

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