Sunday, April 23, 2017


As we were driving down to the cabin on Saturday afternoon, Jim took my hand and smiled and said, "It's another amazing adventure..."  He says this each time we start to drive to the cabin... I didn't have a clue what I was in for...

We got into Hatch, Utah at about 8:30, and decided that before we did anything else, we would check into our motel.  We tried a new motel again, this one was called Hatch Station...  small, and I mean, really small rooms, small bathroom, very clean,  but, two queen beds, we figured we were in good shape...

Got up this morning, terrible backache, but moved forward...  We needed to go to the hardware store in Duck Creek to get some silicone caulk so we could install a couple of windows in the basement.. We drive to Duck Creek, see a couple of prong horn antelopes standing on the side of the road... minding their own business...  was kinda cool..

We got to Duck Creek,  and realized that the hardware store was closed... ok... I guess we're not going to silicone in the windows for now..  Spring hours = closed Sundays, Summer hours = open Sundays!  We move forward.

We picked up a bunch of stuff from storage to put in the conex, even though we can't find the keys to the conex... giggle...  We had them last fall - just don't know where they went to.  OK, so Jim lost them, so we cut the locks off.

As we were driving into the cabin property, I see a little tint of yellow down the hill... Walked down the hill, and you know what???  Those stupid deer didn't get all my tulips... I must have planted a couple of hundred bulbs a year and half ago, and those stupid deer ate all the flowers AND the bulbs... But, with these little yellow faces appearing, I was thrilled that a couple of the bulbs survived...

We get to the cabin and it's really a beautiful day... windy, but sunny and bright and comfortably warm.  We decide to put the 4 x 5 window in... All goes reasonably well - I held the window, Jim put screw nails in to hold it in place.

We then decide to put in the window well...  Now remember, it's really, really windy out...The window well is 66" x 48" and Jim says it's like working with wet pasta noodle that weighs 50 lbs....  The edges are razor sharp, but the top has a plastic covering over it, that protects you...

So, here's Jim, poor thing, trying to man handle this wet noodle up the wall about 4 feet to get it into place... Not gonna happen...  he then decides to get the backhoe and lift the window well  up and hold it in place.

I am scared out of my mind.  As Jim is driving the backhoe beside the house, the back wheels are sliding and the whole backhoe is  sliding on the hill like crazy... I called a couple that we met from down the hill, Ron and Mary, and asked for their help...

In about 5 minutes Ron and Mary pull up on their little John Deere garden cart/golf cart thing to help... Thank goodness they showed up...  it still took a couple of hours to get the window well in... What a job...!

In the meantime, the 2nd window that we were going to install, was blown over by the wind..  We were freaking... but, amazingly, it didn't break, and after the window well installation, we installed one more window...

After Ron and Mary left, we had to get the backhoe back into place, and we went through the problem of having it slip and slide.. again, I was in heart failure mode.

Jim had to cut the locks off the conex, and get the stuff from storage into the conex... grrrr...

We try to get out of Panguitch by about 4 or 5 in the afternoon,  but, had so many problems and issues, it was after 8 when we left... grrrr...

We're leaving the property, and it's just about sundown, and our favourite neighbours stood to say goodbye.. actually, the three of them were standing there wondering what we were doing on their turf and why we were there...  We haven't been properly introduced - still at the staring stage.. Giggle.

Got home close to midnight, and on my goodness are we tired... and covered in sand...  another amazing adventure.

Jim and Cheri

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