Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Jim says, "It's All In The Details"

I was looking on eBay about a week ago, and I came across a pair of two feet for our antique bathtub.. I have already bought two (see blog a couple of weeks ago), but this was another set of 2, and I thought they were interesting, so, I bought them - really inexpensive ($15.00 for the pair).. Well, they were delivered yesterday.

I showed them to Jim and he thought that they wouldn't match the first two that I bought, but, figured that he would make it work..  The pattern was a little bit different, but, with the bathtub against the wall, you only see two of the feet, I figure, as long as they match, we're golden.

I get home from work today, and Jim tells me that I had bought a diamond in the rough, and he uncovered the diamond.  When he got home from work, he took one of the feet and sandblasted all the old coats of paint off - and guess what... it looked amazing.

Then, he powder coated it white, and it looks like porcelain... I couldn't be happier..

He was right, he uncovered a diamond.

The amazing adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri

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