Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Where To Begin; Where To Begin

It's been such a busy couple of weeks, I am really unsure where to start this blog...I think I'll start at the end and move forward, sort of...

This past week, Jim spent the whole week at the cabin. We had a new sub-contractor start on Monday, and Jim wanted to make sure everything was going to be cool.. So, the day before, he headed southward. I didn't go with him - during the wintertime, I really struggle with the cold.  I had pneumonia a couple of years ago, and I still have issue with it.  So, we figured that it was best, that he go solo on this one...  I had excitement of my own back in Provo... but, I digress..

We had ordered all the siding and it was delivered a couple of days before, and we loaded it on the trailer, with tons of other stuff, so that bright and early Monday morning, the siding project would be started.  Poor Jim was taking such a load down with him - the front seat of his truck was filled, the back seat of the truck was filled, the bed of the truck was filled and the trailer was stacked to the brim...  I was so scared with him driving down because the load was immense.  I am always afraid that the tires on the trailer are going to blow because of the weight...

It took Jim a little longer to drive down because of the load, but he got there safe and sound Sunday night.

The temperatures at the cabin have been fluctuating between, cold, really cold, butt cold and absolutely freakin freezing...  This last Sunday night was coldest night coming in at a record 12 degrees for this time of year, and the highest temperature it got during the week was 59 - so, days were reasonable, but the nights were freezing.

It got so cold in the RV on one of the nights, that the half gallon of milk Jim bought on the way in, froze.. inside the RV on the step.  I told Jim to buy an electric blanket, just to stay somewhat warm, and he did and said it was a life saver.

Monday morning, the boys showed up with the instructions to lay siding.  But, what we didn't realize, being that we are not builders, is that we needed to build the deck before putting on the siding, because putting the siding on three stories up isn't a great idea on a hill.  And there's galvanized flashing under the siding that ties into the deck... uhuh... so, there was a little change in plans there..

While Jim went into town to get supplies to build a deck, the boys started the siding.... During the week Jim made the trip to Cedar City three times and into Panguitch another three times.

When he got back, they set and poured the footings and foundations and started to build the structural part of the deck.

The deck surface is made of California Redwood... and I think it looks fantastic...

Everyone keeps telling us that we should have made it out of cedar or composite decking or some other wood, but we really like the colouring of the redwood and it looks beautiful with the siding..

In this whirlwind of activity, Jim put in two of the stained glass windows in the loft bathroom, and the french doors in the loft also. They look freakin' amazing.

We will be going back this coming weekend (after Thanksgiving) to foam insulate in around the windows and doors.

I got my stained glass window completely finished - that means, I finally got it back from the glass shop, and the white vinyl frame was put on with the mounting flanges.  We are going to wait until spring to install it.  Meanwhile, while Jim was at the cabin, I started the sister piece to the one sunflower panel that is finished.  I'll be working on that piece all winter long.

While Jim was in Alton, I was fighting my own battles in Provo...  it seems our cat, Mokey, loves to visit the neighbours... they don't want his visits, and he was caught, repeatedly, in their trap in the backyard...  uhuh...Let's just say, I now know how to open one of those stupid cat traps....

The adventure continues...

Jim and Cheri

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