Sunday, October 15, 2017

Sawdust is Man Glitter

I was at Upper Case Printing in Orem on Friday, and there sitting on the counter, was this great little book marker that just seemed to be written for my Jim.  It read, "Sawdust is Man Glitter".  I brought it home for Jim and we both had a giggle over it on Friday afternoon.... flash forward to Sunday night after we've spent the weekend at the cabin, and here's the picture that Jim sent me...  made me giggle.  Love that man.  Big thank you to Lynda at Upper Case for designing this gem.

I wanted to show you the beauty of our mountain this weekend in our blog.  There's along drive into the area where the cabin in, and it's usually filled with deer and elk, and rabbits and turkeys and coyotes and everything else.  We have a family of blue jays that regularly visits the cabin and squirrels and chipmunks galore.. BUT, my favourite thing is what Jim calls, "Cheri's Heart"..  When you are driving up the mountain, at one specific angle, there is an area of rock that is that beautiful Bryce Canyon red rock... everything else around it is white, except for this one little spot, and it's red.. and it's the shape of a heart...  I love it.. I tried to get a really good picture of it.. but, the red colour just didn't come through.. but, I think it's lovely.

We got to the cabin at about 9:30 on Saturday night - and it was...  24 degrees.. What a shock!  Freezing cold.  Jim had me wait in the truck while he plugged in the motor home and turned on the heater... We sat and visited in the truck for about 30 minutes before we decided to venture out.. Was so cold even with the heater on.  Jim went into the cabin and found a little space heater, and we turned it on also.  I was sure we were going to catch fire - space heaters really make me nervous... but, it was sooo cold, we really had to have something to warm us up, and keep the motorhome warm all night... We got into bed, wearing our hoodies and two quilts on top.. and it was sort of warm.. Jim sleeps by the window, and he always says that it's colder by the window.. I did my best to keep him warm, but... cold is cold...

Got up in the morning, and we both had projects that we needed to get done...  Jim's job was to build a door frame for the basement and install the door, and my job was to unpack the trailer and get all the stuff I could into the basement of the cabin.

We have three storage buildings that I am determined to get at least one cleaned out and closed before winter comes... So, every time we go to the cabin, we pack a trailer and take it down... We only had one casualty this time which was a light globe, but it's replaceable, and it wasn't a major piece, so it was good.

Our contractor got two more windows installed this week...  And some of the Canadian equivalent of Tyvek.  Travis said they were working in a heavy wind, can you tell?
When we looked at the windows this morning, we thought he had installed them sideways.. We came to realize, that it was us who were wrong, and Travis installed them correctly... He told us that there's this little vent opening at the bottom, in case water has to drain from the vinyl around the windows... yep, we're spazzy.......what do we know..?  We didn't notice.

I got as much of the trailer unloaded as I could... there were things this time that were just a little too heavy for me, but I did my best... Jim finished unloading the heavy the propane deck heater, and more vinyl siding.  This stuff just keeps showing up at our house.  Giggle....
Jim got the door frame done, and almost has the door installed.. Needs a little more work, but it was getting late and I didn't want to do that getting home at 1:00 in the morning again... So, we left, and drove back home and actually got home at a decent hour.

Was a productive weekend... happy, cold campers here.. but, the adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri


  1. Wow your beautiful cabin is coming along! What a great retreat to have and such a beautiful view!

    1. We are having so much fun with this project... I suggest every couple takes on such a project... Take you time.. don't go into debt, and just have fun!
