Monday, July 23, 2018


It was an interesting week, to say the least.  We have been trying to move forward, but, with so much to do, in such a small time frame, it's difficult to get everything done before heading down south on the weekends - we need a couple of extra days during the week to prepare.  On Friday morning, I woke up - totally sick to my stomach (use your imagination here)... it was to the point that I just couldn't go to work - which is rare.  I think in the last 10 years, I have missed maybe 2 days of work...(When I had my shoulder and knee surgery - yes, I had both done on the same day - I was home 2 days and went back to work... stupid)... On Friday, I didn't know what the problem was - if it was a virus or food poisoning, or what...But, I was pretty bleak...

Justin has been working feverishly getting the siding on the cabin - and, we love the look.  There is no way I would be balancing on that scaffolding, but...  I guess he likes it...  The siding looks beautiful.  Can't wait until it's all done.

One of the first things done this weekend was to replace the light bulbs in the outside lights.  Jim wanted something with a little more sparkle than just regular light bulbs...  He made a quick stop at Home Depot, and voila.. sparkle!  Well trust me, it sparkles.

The next project that Jim is working on, is finishing the stairs with a landing that go from the main level up to the loft, and on Saturday, the platform was completed.  And, it's waaaay up in the air.  The view from the platform is exceptional.
This is a shot down to the stairs that go down to the basement.

The view of the great room from the landing.
This is going to be nice when it's finished.

The cabin has had thunder storms for the past two weekends, but on Sunday morning, at about 4 am, Jim woke up to.. thunder - only it wasn't outside, it was his tummy, having a very serious conversation with him.... VERY serious.  And, when you don't have running water, it's even more serious... Poor thing, he had planned that day to work at the cabin, and it just wasn't going to happen.  The work day was cut short and the 3.5 hour trip back home was started early.  Jim pulled into the driveway about 7:00 PM and immediately went to bed... slept through until 8:30 this morning.  I know he's not feeling too hot today at work.... Poor thing... and he slept most of Sunday at the cabin too!

For the past couple of weeks, the weather has been... questionable at best... some days, it's bright and sunny, and then these dark, ominous clouds show up, complete with thunder and rain - at a moment's notice.  It's nice to have the heat cut, but, it really is such a low, quiet growling before the rain starts... an interesting mix, but, we love it.

And, finally, my trees did not survive the deer... Time to buy a rifle...

The adventure continues.

1 comment:

  1. It’s coming along beautifully. Hope Jim is feeling better and you as well. I can understand your excitement. You guys deserve this. Every bit of it. Many memories on its way. Luv ya xo
