Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sorry, it's a little too rustic for me...

Another week has come and gone, and, the weekends are our time to do some work on the cabin... Only, this cowgirl didn't make the trek this weekend...  The cabin is beautiful and we now have a little bedroom and a little kitchen and all set up.. BUT, there is no running water...  that means...well, let's just say the bathroom in the RV is still under construction, and I can't pee off the deck.. nuff said.

Jim left on Friday afternoon, while I was still at work, and he took my van down.  I was left with his pick up and I must say, she's a big girl... and, when you drive that beast, you are head and shoulders above everybody else...  My van gets better gas mileage, and Jim wasn't hauling a trailer, so it made sense to switch vehicles.  He made it to the cabin about 6 or so, and I was busy, busy, busy at that time...  getting my nails done... so, it all worked our perfectly.  Jim got to the cabin and sent me a picture of what my van looked like...  um... a little more dirt than I'm used to...  sad face...

It was when Jim went to bed that we realized that I forgot to send pillows with him, so he was pillowless for two nights.  He thought he would use one of the cushions from the couch, but, found that they were too big, so he rolled up a blanket - no bueno.... So, he said that he had two nights of miserable sleep, but, I personally think that it was because he wasn't next to me.. just sayin'...

Saturday morning, Jim got up and was eating his breakfast on the deck, and a little chipmunk came up to check out the scenery...  This is the first time that we have seen squirrels or chipmunks up on the deck, but, Jim said it was really nice... Jim said that a little hummingbird also came into the cabin to check the place out...  flew around for a little bit, and then left.  This past weekend, Jim saw  a deer right close to the sliding doors downstairs, and chipmunks, and lizards - so, they all came out to keep him company.

The tyvek work is now completed and Jim has called this morning for an inspection from Kane County.  Justin has done a fantastic job and we are thrilled.  Not sure I'd like to be up there.

..just looking at the pictures about makes me barf...  no way in hell I am getting up on that roof... no. freakin'. way....

The deck is also coming along beautifully...  we have the ballusters, but Jim needs to drill holes in them... when there is a plethora of ballusters to be drilled, Jim is going to do it on his CNC mill at home so they're all uniform- and, this will be happening this week!

As Jim was about to come back home Sunday afternoon, this is what he noticed...  He had a spare and got it changed out, but it was a little low, so he had to drive into Panguitch to find an air station... Found one, but ahead of him was a woman who was trying to figure out how to put air into her tires...  Jim, being the nice guy, offered to help.. He got air in one of her tires, and while he was doing that, she walked into the store... then, came out, got into her car and drove off... no thank you, no appreciation, it's like it was expected or something.  I told Jim that this is why people get to the point that they don't want to help others any longer... the level of non appreciation was just too high.

 Um...  I think there's some beast out at the cabin that continually flattens our tires... grrrrr..

When I don't go to the cabin, Jim works really hard to make some change that will totally blow me away... and. this week, he installed an outside light, the light in the kitchen,

and one of our vintage Art Deco switch-plates at the front door...

 I am so excited.  We picked out the outside lights several months ago, and it's exciting to see them go up...!  Jim started working on the wiring - we're one step closer to finishing off this project...

The stair building project is coming along nicely.... first flight is complete.  Jim's proud of himself and it shows.  Giggle.

When Jim was closing up the cabin before coming home, he noticed that a little bird had come through the French doors... and, wasn't particularly interested in leaving... Jim was a little concerned because, if you remember, we had a dead woodpecker in the cabin just a couple of weeks ago.  This little mouse with feathers had landed on top of the dishwasher, that's currently stored in the living-room, while Jim was up the ladder in the loft...  Jim had a talk with it, made sure it could fly out, but, the bird was just checking out the place...  Back on the main level, he finally walked up to it, and caught it with his two hands very gently and then released it outside...  must have been a girl bird, and she was a little enamored with my Jim...  Chicks are always going after my husband when I'm not there!!!  Or it had been in there all afternoon and was exhausted, de-hydrated, or just over-whelmed with getting out of there.  After being thrown up in the air it flew away post haste.

While Jim was at the cabin working his little guts out, I wasn't at home watching TV and eating bonbons... nope.. I was working on the 2nd glass project.. I have been super stalled over the last couple of months, trying desperately to get out of this depressive funk that I've been feeling... So, I finally made the decision that at a certain time, I would just start.. and I did...

Doesn't look like much right now, but, it's a start... and, I feel good about it.. Jim thinks that I just needed a little time to myself to get started...  Love that man.

The adventure continues.  Jim and Cheri

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