Sunday, September 16, 2018

Imagine if you will....

Imagine if you will, (in my best Rod Serling voice), you are located on a remote mountain top, working on your cabin at 9:00 PM on a Saturday night.  The air is still, not a sign of human life for miles.  You are alone in your presence as well as your thoughts.  While working on installing electrical wiring you in inadvertently drill a hole cleanly down through the top of your index finger knuckle stopping just short of the bit exiting through the palm of your hand.  In a micro second you pull the drill back out and ask yourself "did I just drill through my hand or did it glance off to the side?"

You hold your hand up and notice a stream of blood exit the hole and fill the tightly held crack between your index finger and middle finger.  Yes you did it.  And the palm of your hand is turning purple as well.

Now what do you do?  Immediately turning all the lights off because you might not be coming back, you lock up the building and try not to panic as you start start your vehicle.  It's a 20 minute drive to the nearest hospital.  A short phone call to your spouse confirms the local hospital is "in plan".  Now all you have to do is avoid the deer on the road as you speed to your destination.

The paper towel you wrapped around your hand appears dark and feels wet in the darkness of the drivers seat.  You should have brought a second.

Adrenalin fills your blood stream, your heart rate increases, ever so slightly and your elevated blood pressure confirms the panic in your thoughts.  I hope I didn't just loose the use of my index finger.   OK, OK it wasn't that bad.  Yes I did drill a 3/16 inch hole right down through the center of my knuckle.  The emergency room folks X-rayed it and didn't find any particles in my hand.  The drill glanced off the bones and merely separated the bones as it made it's way down to the palm of my hand.  I was instructed to see an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow to do a full investigation.  But my finger still works just fine.  It hurts, but it works.    Jim Streeter

Jim doesn't usually write these blogs, but his intro was so good, I couldn't resist!

The electrics that he was working on, looks perfect - and, we're one step closer to power - more than just temporary power.

With all his struggles and pain, Jim did an amazing job...

Flashback.... We have been plagued with fires in Utah this summer - mainly in southern Utah.. But, fires have come close to home this time.  The fire we are most concerned about isn't at the cabin, but in Spanish Fork Canyon, which is about 15 minutes from our home in Provo.  On his way to the cabin on Saturday morning, Jim took a couple of pictures...

As you can see, the mountains are completely covered with smoke.  Our air quality is not great - and it smells like the whole state is BBQing!  Hopefully, firefighters and emergency personnel can get these fires under control.

As usual, the mountain is full of deer, just waiting to show off..  This was the deer Jim saw at the neighbour's cabin...  So beautiful.  When Jim was coming back from the hospital on Saturday night, he said a deer stepped out in front of the truck, that had antlers about 2' above it's head... said he was magnificent.

Our plans with getting the plumbing installed got postponed, but we are ready for the plumber to show...Not what I imagined to be on my beautiful table, but it works!

And, my amazing purchase this week was a hall tree.  I have been looking for one for several years now - something not huge, but with a mirror, and hooks for jackets.  I found one!  And, I love it.  I think it will fit in perfectly with the other furniture.

Isn't it pretty?  I am really pleased with the find.

And, finally... no explanation needed...

Our amazing adventure continues...  Jim and Cheri

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