Thursday, September 6, 2018


This past weekend was a little interesting - but VERY fun.

As you know, I really hesitate to go to the cabin to spend the night, because there is no running water.. and the nearest bathroom is 20 minutes away.  Well, Jim booked a "hotel" room for us to spend the night in... turns out, it was a caboose hotel!  I absolutely loved it! The first train car (red, white and blue) is the caboose and is the one we stayed in!

Here's a couple of the other cars that were available.

They have all the conveniences of a regular hotel - bathroom, shower, little kitchen, tv, little livingroom...

This silver train car is amazing.  We were told that it actually was a sleeper car that was converted into a 2 bedroom, 2 bath "hotel room".  I told Jim that I think we should bring the family down for a weekend... The kids would love it!!

This red box car was a hotel room that was right next to ours!

Such a wonderful surprise.  Sure was fun!!!

Saturday night, we found a new restaurant to try - the Big Rock Grill & Smokehouse in Marysvale, Utah...  This is the same little town where the Caboose Hotel is in... Really was good...  What made it even more fun was these two guys that were singing...  Great harmonies, fun music..

These two guys had vintage guitars, and here's Jim, talking guitars with these guys...

We were driving towards the cabin, about 30 minutes away, and we start seeing all these signs saying that this area was settled by Mormons... and, there's a whole lot of Mormon history...  About 10 minutes later, we passed a restoration project by the State of Utah for the "Boyhood Home of Butch Cassidy".  And, I asked Jim about the coincidence of this... so, my question is:  If Mormons settled this area, and Butch Cassidy's boyhood home is here, is it safe to say that Butch Cassidy was Mormon?

Well, we're at the point of building the bridge over Galt's Gulch, and railings on the deck.  We have all the pieces and parts, and I thought I knew exactly what design I wanted... and, then... we started to play with the parts... and, now we don't know what we like.  So, if you are reading this, take a peek at the different designs, and let us know which one you like best. There's a couple that I think looks like either boobs or noses...  But... take a peek:

Or, if there is a design you want us to try, let us know...  If you look at the last picture, the piece on the far left is called a knuckle, beside it is a straight piece, and then an S...  We're open for all suggestions at this point.

While we were working on Saturday, Jim went out the front door and there was a mama deer standing across the road... just having a little snack...  We thought she would run away when we went outside, but after several trips back and forth to the truck, she was happy to just stand, eat and watch...  I think after she had her snack, she got bored, and then just walked away... but, she was in absolutely no hurry..

She's a little difficult to see in these two pictures - but, she's right in the middle of the shot!

We constantly get asked why we call this blog, "Me and Manzanita".  A lot of people have never heard of manzanita... Well, this is what manzanita is and looks like. grows all over the place, and has a root system like no other... if you look at the pictures of the deer, that's stupid manzanita growing all over the place...  Jim loves it.. I truly hate it...

Anyways, here's my next stained glass project I'm about to start.  If you knew my father, you know exactly what this piece is...

Earlier in the week, I saw this piece and just had to buy it.  The only problem is - I'm not quite sure what it is.  I told Jim that I thought it was a bird bath, or a bird feeder... I guess it really doesn't matter, because it is so interesting...  The top part is a thick glass, and the bottom wrought iron.  Any ideas?

The other interesting thing I found was this little beverage cart.  When we were in California last week, it came up on a facebook feed, and thank goodness for paypal, I bought it!  I was thinking that I wanted to change the colour to black, but after seeing it in person, I think it will look amazing just as is.  Jim and I think she's going to look beautiful on the deck...

The mountain is alive with deer, deer and more deer.  When we were leaving, we saw this little goodbye party made up of 4 babies, and two mama's... Absolutely beautiful.

Here's the two mamas.... and, yep, they are standing in that stupid manzanita.  Jim loves the color, a deep shiny green leaf.

About 2 minutes after this picture was taken, we were fighting with a stupid fly in the cab of the truck, and, out from the motor compartment, from under the hood, emerged a little mouse... I guess he changed his mind about coming home with us.

We have big projects about to start this next week - the plumbing is going in, the deck and siding is being worked on, and the bridge over the Gulch is being started... Lots of change, and lots of excitement!

Another adventure.... another amazing adventure.

Jim and Cheri

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