Monday, November 26, 2018


It finally happened... I did something I have NEVER done in my life... and did it twice in one week.

On Thanksgiving morning, I realized that I had forgot a few things at the store, so when I got up, I got dressed, and drove off to the grocery store... no makeup, no shower, my hair was not done... looked a sight to say the least... When Brianne got up, she noticed that I wasn't in the house and didn't know where I was.. She asked Jim - he didn't know either.. But, the two of them decided that I had to be somewhere in the house... why?  ...because I NEVER go out in public without makeup and my hair done...

Then, we went down to the cabin over the weekend, on Sunday morning, I am unpacking our suitcase, and realized at that point, I had forgotten my curling iron at home... ya... my hair is so straight, it's pathetic... So, I did my best to become presentable.. and yep, went out in public again.  wasn't pretty...  sigh... Seriously, I'm losing it... giggle.

While my hair wasn't pretty, the area around the cabin sure was.. was a beautiful day... And, we don't know why, but the airplanes were leaving con-trails for all to see..

Super interesting..

Saturday night was our pizza night at the C-Stop in Panguitch.. But, it was so freakin' cold, I never took my coat off!  I have this behemoth coat, that is exceptionally warm... not much on style, but, it sure cuts down the cold! And, at this point in my life, I don't care what it looks like... or, apparently, what my hair looks like.. giggle.

We are continuing to place pieces of furniture into the different rooms... This week, it was a cabinet and sink in the upstairs bathroom.  It came with these wooden legs, but, I think I am going to powder coat in chrome, a spare set of the feet we collected for the bathtub, and put them on this cabinet..  The legs for the bathtub are chrome also, so I think the pairing will look cool.  Jim can figure out how to attach them.

Jim continues to work on the siding..and, he finished the sides around the bay window.  It seems that each time he starts a new area on the cabin, there's a new skill he needs... Like bending siding around an arched window.  But, he's doing an amazing job.  It just takes a lot of time and it frustrates him.

When we go to the cabin, there's always a pattern that we follow... one of the things that we do is, on the way home, we stop at either the Subway in Panguitch and get a sandwich, or the Burger King in Fillmore...  The Subway is actually nice, clean and the people know us as locals.  The Burger King in Fillmore - well, they're an interesting breed.  They have the slowest drive through on the face of the earth, and they are ALWAYS out of something... and, it's a matter of guessing what they are going to be out of.  We have been told that either the drive through is closed, or the grill is broken, they are understaffed, or, have a new cook... trust me, we're heard it all.  This past week, we pull up to the intercom and immediately, a little voice comes over and says, "We are out of nuggets"... no, "Welcome to Burger King", or, " I'm ready to take your order".. just, "We're out of nuggets".. So, Jim says, "We don't want chicken nuggets.."..Giggle...We place our order, pull up to the window, pay our money, and wait, and wait, and wait...  we turn the truck off, and wait... A lady comes to the window with a "We have a new cook"...  giggle... I guess he was having a problem understanding, 'Whopper with no onion"... it totally cracks us up..

Anyways, here's what the side of the cabin looks like now.  I am still waiting for the stained glass windows to be insulated and completed.. when that is done, the west side of the cabin can be completed... I am thrilled.

The adventure with my sweetheart continues.

Jim and Cheri