Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Snow, and Ice and More Snow, and More Ice... grrrr

As many of you know, I hate snow... I mean, I really hate it.. But, with all the snow and ice and cold and there were some really warming and wonderful things happening..

A couple of weeks ago, I found this clock... and, I pictured it in the upstairs loft...I showed it to Jim, and he so agreed with me...  It has pendulum that makes this HUGE ticking sound...  but, I love it... and I think it's an amazing addition.

Back to that disgusting snow and ice...  Jim went to the cabin by himself this weekend...  after a couple of bouts of pneumonia, I can't handle the cold any longer... So, he braved the trip by himself..  When he got to the cabin, this is what he found.. including 3 feet of snow piled on the deck!!!

The views are spectacular...

I love this picture with the rays of sunshine coming through... This shot is of our backyard.

..and the front yard...

..and a couple more shots.

This last shot is of the road in front of the cabin... it's kind of steep and I thought that the little bit of sunshine would melt everything down...  but, nope..

On Friday, Jim asked me to call the glass shop and see if we could get an eta on the completion of the glass... I called, and they said it was completed... So, Jim drove over to Glass Images and picked up the completed pieces... brought them home...I had to check them out for a little bit...

Jim took them down to the cabin, and I didn't expect them to be installed this weekend... there's a whole lot of siding to get on..   But, about halfway through the afternoon, he sent this picture... Jim had cut the hole in the outside wall of the main level bathroom...  Here's inside - looking out...

..and, here's outside, looking in!!

..and then, this one...

And, about an hour later, he sent this picture... I was so stoked I was crying.. It's like a couple of years of work is finally being realized.  Jim says the windows look absolutely breath taking... and, I am truly pleased.

Even thought my sunflower windows are beautiful, Jack Frost was making beautiful artwork on the other windows in the cabin... I think, saying it's cold is an understatement.  At night it was 12 degrees F.  In the day it warmed up to the 40's.

I am amazed at the beauty that surrounds our dream.  Notice the fog in the valley off in the distance.

Jim and I are truly blessed... we have had ups and downs and laughter and tears, but, I appreciate all the effort and work that Jim has put in...He's the real hero here... love that man something stupid...

The adventure continues... Jim and Cheri


  1. So now the siding can be completed? Or is there something else standing in the way of getting that buttoned up?

  2. The siding can be completed... Jim has been working a little bit on it every time we go... Just takes a whole lot of time...
