Tuesday, January 1, 2019

..and the adventure continues in 2019

If you read our last post of 2018, you would have seen that we bought a glass sink for our upstairs bathroom... It was sitting on the couch in our living room...  I think our cat found a comfortable spot for a nap... (This is actually a good sized sink, but with the cat laying in it, it looks like a contact lens.. he's actually a pretty "sturdy" cat...A friend of Brianne's described someone else's cat as 'sturdy' and I like the expression.  I like to describe myself as... sturdy) . I love this sink, and I'm so glad Mokie loves it too..

We drove down to the cabin and storage on Saturday because we had collected so much "stuff" at the house, it was starting to look like a yard sale...Here's where the sink ended up...I was so afraid it was going to get broken sitting on the living room couch, that I took it down and placed it on the cabinet where it is eventually going to be permanent. I couldn't get the old sink out of the cabinet, so I had to place it on top.  With the green marble counter top we have, I think it's going to look amazing, and I hope the cat approves.

The trailer and the pick-up bed and back seat was piled sky high - seriously high.  The weight was pretty intense and when we were driving, I could feel every sway of the trailer.  I hate that feeling, especially when we are crossing the pass between I-15 and Hwy 89 on Hwy 20.. winding roads, sharp curves - not my favourite while you are hauling a big load.  What you can see in this picture is a pantry can storage unit (it's kind of cool, you load the can of whatever from behind, and they roll forward so you are always are rotating your pantry) and three shelving units for the walk-in closet.  The can storage unit is upside down in this picture.  But, talk about heavy - probably weighs 200 lbs...

Here's the backseat of the truck - drawers for who knows what cabinet.. I've totally lost track. You can see the sink wedged between the front seat and the backseat on the floor..  yep, we were that crammed for space...  Every time we stopped, I was checking that sink...

One thing we bought over the Christmas break was the vent for the main floor kitchen to go above the island.  I want a little cook-top in the island, and Jim thought a vent would look cool...  Jim plans on venting the vent outside and the lights will be awesome.  The antique stove will be in another part of the kitchen and is still in the plan.

 ..and someone had to do it, but, there always has to be the first injury of the year, and here it is... While we were putting the shelving units into our storage building in Panguitch, Jim smashed his fingers between the wood burning stove and another steel thing.. this was the result.  When it happened, he screamed, but, I didn't know the extent of the injury.  He had gloves on and the storage unit is kind of dark, and it was snowing super hard.  When we got to the Silver Eagle - the convenience store in Panguitch, we checked it out, and this is what we saw... not good.  At the end of the year, Jim drilled through his knuckle, and this year, to start out, it's his thumb.  Took us a couple of hours to get home, got some pain killers into him, and it was throbbing until about 4 this morning, when I think he finally fell asleep from exhaustion. I think he should go to the hospital, and have the bone checked out, but he disagrees with me, and because he's bigger than I am, I can't just pick him up and drag him in like I used to with  Brad... Poor thing...

Our year is off with a bang - good things ahead.. the adventure continues - Jim and Cheri

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