Wednesday, April 10, 2019


It's been a couple of weeks since we were at the cabin... we weren't sure what the roads to the cabin were like, but, we figured that we would just go as far as Panguitch and work on the 5th wheel that's in storage...

Well, we got to Panguitch, and the roads were so clear, we decided that we should take a peek at the road close to the cabin, and if they were clear, we would drive up and say hello to the cabin..

Well, the roads going to the cabin were a little questionable.  It looked like there was a ton of snow, and the roads, at some point were really mucky.. Apparently, we weren't the only ones who were trying to get up the mountain, as the evidence points out.........

These roads were so bad, but we were in for a little surprise when we got to Crestline Avenue...  snow.. lots and lots of snow.

It really didn't look that far, so one of us "bright kids" decided that we could hike up the hill...We had a few things in the van that we were going to just leave in the 5th wheel, BUT, because we were at the cabin, we were going to drop them off...  I swear, it's a LOOOONG way up that hill.. I swear, I thought I was going to have a heart attack..If you notice, Jim is at the top of the hill, and this bright child is still at the bottom.. taking pictures and having a stroke!!  I keep telling myself it's because of the elevation, etc., etc., etc...  Uhuh...But, I know deep down, that's just a crock of's all because I was wearing crocs... giggle...

Well, the cabin is still standing.. and actually, I kinda have missed going and working on it.  It's going to be a long haul this summer - we need to get our four way done, and that's a whole lotta work... (furnace, plumbing, electrical, and structural).. We've already passed the structural, so I believe Jim said he is going to do the electrical and the plumbing and then the furnace... Personally, I kinda would like that plumbing to go in next...  I can't pee off the balcony, and driving 5 miles away to the nearest bathroom, is not my idea of a fun time!!  But, here's the cabin, in all it's snowy glory.

About two weeks after Jim made it up the hill, I strolled onto the picture...  had to sit down for a minute or my heart was going to come through my nose.. But, once I got there, it was all good.. I kept telling myself that going down the hill was going to be easier!

The grandkids are very interested in coming and staying at the cabin this summer, and I was skyping with Brea.. she wanted to see everything that we were doing, and I started by showing her the "grandkids" chair...

She said that she really liked it, so I had Papa sit in the chair and show her that one grandchild and one Papa and one storybook would easily fit into the chair..

I then showed her the one bedroom that we have put together.... it's kind of on the rudimentary stage of life, but it works for us.. there is one bed, and one nightstand and one lamp, but the part Brea really liked was the Barbie curtains.  We bought them at the Garfield thrift store in Panguitch... after we stayed there one night, and found out that the sun comes up... really, really early in the morning.  Giggle... She was totally loving the curtains.

Then, I showed her what the bathroom was like, and she was oh so impressed with the sunflower windows... she thought they were beautiful... next, I showed her the toilet.. which at this point is a pipe coming up from the floor, and she again said it was beautiful.. and at that point, I knew for a fact, that this child sees beauty in everything.. even a black plastic pipe coming up from the floor...  What an amazing and wonderful attitude..  Love our Brea!!

The road by our place is covered in snow, and it's wet, but our neighbours made it up for the weekend.. I believe they have four wheel drive, and my van doesn't...  Thus, they made it up, and we had to hike....  I really love my crocs, but, they aren't made for cross country hiking...or trudging through snow.

Mucky... muddy... messy...  I'm not impressed...  After walking up the hill, my crocs were packed with snow and my feet totally wet.  Was gross.

We talked around the place and inspected for any damage.. Apparently, we have snow or rain or something coming in.. our old radio that we have in the loft sustained some water damage... we're gonna have to do a little restoration work, but, that was all the damage we could see in the loft.

We had left tools and supplies downstairs, and this is the beautiful artwork I found...A couple of cans of foam insulation were left, and apparently, it got so cold that they exploded...  kinda made me giggle..

I went to work on Monday morning, and in the afternoon, the receptionist at my work asked how the cabin was.. I was a little surprised because I hadn't said anything.. She said that she knew I went because my van was all dirty, and there were little patches of orange dirt all over the parking lot...  Um..  yep.. that's mine!

Here's a couple of picture of the scenery around the cabin... Still is beautiful and quiet.

This is the bottom of our street on the east side...

..kinda snowy all around...

...but very peaceful.

I'm still collecting things for the kid's area.. This week, I bought a candy apple making station and a waffle bowl maker... Mahayla was over on Friday night, and saw the two boxes and was most excited about the candy apple maker.  I think we may have to try it out BEFORE it makes a trip down to the cabin...But, the assortment is getting fun... If you can think of other items that would be great in a kid's area, let me know!

At the end of March, Jim and I celebrated on 12th anniversary, and it has been such an interesting and amazing ride... this cabin has been a part of it, plus a thousand other things.  I know I usually drive him crazy, and he takes it in stride..  I couldn't love anyone more... so, my thought, on this subject is, "In life, it's not where you go, it's who you travel with".. and I can't think of a better person to travel with, than Jim..  Love him something stupid.

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Not sure when we are going to make it back to the cabin... We've got work, as usual, plus Brad's masters graduation, and his hooding ceremony, and a party, and, and, and... but until then, the adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri


  1. Ha ha all the mud! Hopefully you can track down where that moisture is coming in.

  2. Lowell: We know where it's coming in.. Just are having a hard time getting to the roof and spraying in the insulation spray stuff...
