Sunday, May 26, 2019

..Moving Forward.......slowly...

With all the excitement of graduations and parties over the past few weeks, there is something that is NOT happening... and, that's getting to the cabin and working... Over the past weekend, Duck Creek got 20" of snow, and reports from around our cabin is that it's been snowing since last Saturday, and the roads are full of ruts and mess...  Not good..

Did someone forget to tell Mother Nature that it's almost June?  A lot of Memorial Day weekend plans were cancelled because people couldn't get through the snow!

But, we did find some really cool stuff this weekend... We bought these lights for the hall way on the main level.. I love the colour and the geometric design...

And, we found these lamps... I think the first two lamps are going to go into the loft bathroom, and the other two matching lamps are going to go into the main floor livingroom...  I love the look of both of them.

Jim REALLY liked these two... I liked the first two..

And, we bought the tub for the loft bathroom today... I love this tub...  It is 72" long and 40" wide... It's supposed to hold two people, but, I don't know about that one...(must be really tiny people...) but, I love it... We have been looking for the perfect tub for the bathroom, and finally found it!!  I think it's so pretty and will be perfect!

A few weeks ago, a dear friend of mine, that I first met in elementary school, passed... We have stayed in touch over the years  via Christmas cards, and phone calls.  The one thing that she didn't tell me, was that she was sick, and was terminal...  She wanted to focus on the positive and the sunshine in her life and my life.  In reading her obituary, written by her sweet husband, I learned that the two of them had a saying that they would always share with each other, and it is as follows:  "With you, forever I will stay"..  So, with this on my mind, this is why Jim and I are on this amazing adventure... so that we will always have something that represents us, together.. and that our children will always have a place to forever remember, and we will stay forever in their hearts....

With that, the adventure continues...  Jim and Cheri

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