Monday, June 17, 2019

I em hape..

Several weeks ago, while we were preparing for Brad's graduation party, with all the hustle and bustle going on in the house, and Brad and Melody and their three kids, and Brianne and Lowell, and Coy and Jim and I all trying to get 100 things done... little Brea came up to each one of us, and gave us a little note...  And, this is what each one said...  "I em hape"... with all that we going on, a small child communicated what she was feeling...  "I AM HAPPY"...  She was with this big crazy family, and was loving it...How amazing...  And, this is how I am feeling... I am happy...Life is not perfect, and it's really stressful, but I am happy...

Sadly, Jim was at the cabin all weekend, and I had to stay in Provo.. still fighting this stupid bronchial pneumonia, and I feel like I'm losing the battle..It's only been a couple of months, so I guess I have a few more to go.  The work must go on or we'll never get it done!

When Jim was designing the cabin, we had this little discussion of what he "thought" I wanted, and what I "actually" wanted...  and, it was all about the loft... I wanted a loft, WITH a bathroom (a big freakin bathroom (JS)), and he didn't think the bathroom was necessary in the loft...... As you know, we have a wonderful loft, with a full bathroom now (fully full (JS)), and I love how it's looking.

Jim's plan for this weekend, was to work on the electrics...  He was so thrilled when he sent me a picture of this beautiful light fixture he had installed in the main level hallway, and the first thing I said was.. "Um.. where's the 2nd light fixture"?  And, the conversation ensued that he placed that one light fixture in the middle of the hallway, and I countered with, "You never asked me what I wanted"... We purchased them a couple of weeks ago, and they would be absolutely perfect in the hallway..  This afternoon, Jim sent me pictures of the hallway, and this is how it turned out..... I told Jim that he should have turned his "spidey sense" on...

I think it looks amazing... Jim does beautiful work...  Giggle..

Jim sent me to the store today to buy stuff for the cabin.. I always hate it when he sends me and I am not quite sure exactly what it is.. and then I have to explain to someone what I want, and they usually have this blank stare... grrrr...  Today, I had to buy these criss crossy things that fit over the bottom of an electrical box... I don't know what they're called, but I know I needed 6 to 12 of them.. Thank goodness Jim sent me a picture!!!  What are these things called?

Anyways, Rachel at Habitat knew EXACTLY what I was describing, and got them for me!!!  Rachel.. you rock!

While there, I bought insulation... 5 rolls of insulation exactly.. I usually don't call it insulation, I call it the Pink Panther stuff... Jim told me to shower after I took the rolls out of the van...  Um, he'll be home on Sunday night, and I'll advise HIM to shower after he gets them out of the van!!!  Big thanks to James at Habitat for loading them into my van... because, if he hadn't, they wouldn't be in there!!  Pink Panther stuff could have stayed right where it was...

Continuing on, we apparently had a bird in the cabin in the last week, because there is bird poop in our bathtub upstairs in the loft.. We don't know how the birds are getting in, but they not only got in, but got out also!!  But, while they were enjoying the view from the side of the tub, they left their signature!  Gross!  I guess the tub is now christened.. (Jim looked for a live bird, or a dead bird, or anything bird like, and there was nothing... except bird poop on the tub..)

I picked out the light fixture for the loft bathroom this weekend... The cabinets in that bathroom are white, and the sink is a pale green... Also, the counter top is a green marble, so I needed something that would accent those pieces instead of conflict with them... and, this is what I found...  I love it... I think the clear glass gas light effect is perfect.. There is a vaulted ceiling in that room, and this will be perfect.

And, last but not least, I found a sled to pull behind the skidoos this next year.  I was thinking of taking grandkids for rides, but Jim was thinking more like pulling groceries up the hill when the truck won't go through the snow on the mountain in the winter.. Either way, we bought a skidoo sled!

When Jim got home this evening, he told me that he had bought a knife at a hardware store...  I was like,..."uhuh, like we need another knife.." and then he showed it to me... It's beautiful.. It is rare that he spends money on frivolous things for himself and he admitted it was, but I guess every once in a while you just have to.  The blade has a "Damascus" steel look to it.  Jim says that was the selling point that hooked him.  Make the photo full size and you can see it better.

And, I find, as Jim and I get older, it's harder and harder to find something interesting to give as a present.. I think Jim has it easier because I really love jewelry, and he always picks out something beautiful and interesting and sparkly...  BUT, picking out something for Jim, is a serious problem.. So, for this Father's Day, I bought Jim..  a fire bowl..  He looked impressed when I showed it to him, and I am hoping we can use it at the cabin.  When he saw it, he said it would be great to make Smores or roast marshmallows... Um, not the purpose Jim.... I still think it looks cool and will be amazing outside on the table.. sunset.. at the cabin...  (When I initially saw it, the song came to my mind, "Come on baby, light my fire"... but, I think that's a little corny..)

So, all in all, it was a great weekend...Father's Day 2019... I am thankful for all the lessons my father taught me, or tried to teach me... thankful for a husband who is amazing...thankful I have a son who is an amazing daddy, grand daughter's that express happiness... and a daughter and a daughter in law, who over the last several years, have at times had to be both mommy and daddy and did it with grace and dignity.....  I am blessed..

..the adventure continues...  Jim and Cheri

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