Thursday, March 26, 2020

...waiting... waiting...waiting....

Well, the 2019 issue of the "Me and Manzanita" blog has just been published and here it is...  I love the scenery on the front of the book, and, Brea's little note of "I em hape" seems to reflect the tone of last year.  We were so happy that we got the plumbing done, and a whole lot of extras completed.  I feel this year is going to explode with a whole lot of good stuff!

Jammie, at Alexander's Print, does amazing work putting this book together for me..... She always goes the extra mile to make sure it is arranged perfectly, and Jason, our account manager, oversees the project completely to my satisfaction.  I would thank the guys in production who actually do the physical work, but I don't venture back there too often, so I don't know who to thank.. Anyways, thanks to all involved.  

We're at such a critical point in the year... we are so waiting to get back to the cabin to work, but, it's too snowy/wet to get up the hill.. and it's driving us crazy.  On top of that, with this Corona virus, we're mostly stuck in the house and unable to do anything cabin-wise.  So, it's more frustrating than usual.  Jim has been working from home, but, that's not really possible for me, so I am still going in to the office.  Jim says he understands something a little more clearly.. like.. why dogs chew furniture and why animals try to run outside whenever you open the door... and it kind of concerned me this afternoon when I saw Jim, looking out the back door at a squirrel... and, I just know he was wanting to bark at it... Giggle...  (not really, but, it makes a good story!)

Before we were in quarantine, we found this cupboard/hutch... I didn't notice it in the store, but, Jim brought it to my attention.  I love it, and it will fit perfectly in the loft bathroom.  Jim says that he can see it filled with fluffy towels, and I agree.  Now, to buy some big, over-sized, bath towels.. and maybe, some big, fluffy, over-sized white bathrobes.. and maybe a few...  (I don't think I should go on... Jim is going to have a flip.. he knows what a good shopper I am!) but cautions me to just wait.

The next piece we found was a futon for downstairs.  I thought this was great, and what caught my eye was the fabric - covered in moose and bears... and you know what a sucker for moose I am!  We are trying to make sure everybody has a place to sleep comfortably... and, we figured this would be perfect for a couple of grandkids!  We purchased the futon, and were going to pick it up the next week.. BUT, then Utah was quarantined, and we couldn't get it for a week..  no big deal because we can't get down to the cabin.. We were given an appointment time when we could drive up and pick it up.. The store was not open, but pick up was...  It's getting weird here in Utah.

I found this little child's bench seat this week also.  It is about 3' wide and 3' tall at the top of the back.. perfect for a child.  I loved that there were all these animals in the back piece - elephant/monkey/lion... perfect for a child.

And, I was looking for a couple of bird baths... this wasn't quite what I had in mind, but, I think they'll  work ok...

I have several people who look for things for the cabin... they are trying to grasp the concept I have in mind... These are two plant holders... different...  Um... let's just leave it at that.... Giggle.  The one on the right reminds me something from the cover of an Atlas Shrugged book... not sure about these pieces.  Jim's even more not sure. . .

I saw this image from WWII and I thought it was appropriate in these "trying times"...  I'm actually kind of tired of that saying.. can't they come up with something else?

Image may contain: one or more people, possible text that says 'YOUR COURAGE YOUR CHEERFULNESS YOUR RESOLUTION WILL BRING US VICTORY'

Last Friday, I saw this folding table and I thought it looked interesting.... thought it would be a great idea while we are still building.  I don't know if it was a good idea or not.. showed it to the "game warden" that I live with, and he just raised his eyebrows at me.. I guess that's a good thing.. if he doesn't purse his lips, I'm in good shape..Couldn't love that sweet man more.  I think I saw him pursing the next day. . .

Our Brianne continues to improve and get stronger every day.  She got her results back from her biopsy, and her tumour was benign and we are so thankful... She is so strong and such a fighter, I am amazed and humbled by her drive and spirit, and am thankful that I was given the unique opportunity of bringing this amazing creature into this world.  She continues to teach me.... she continues to humble me... she continues to make me a better person... She has a lot of recovery left, and, it is my hope and prayer that her life will get easier and her recovery quick... She has such tremendous support from her partner, Lowell and fan club with Coy as President.  I can not thank them enough... Small blessing.. my cup runneth over.

On a personal note:  A sweet friend of mine lost her husband last week, and I have been reflecting on her situation.  He leaves behind his beautiful wife, and a 10 year old daughter, and even though she has expressed that he will always be with her, and she'll see him again, I guess I am selfish and I would prefer to have him with her.. NOW... Such strength and such courage she is showing to everyone around.  I have no doubt that she will be successful in whatever she does going forward, and her little girl will grow up remembering her daddy, just because of the heart and determination they both have to be amazing women..  My hat goes off to her, and my heart is full.... Please remember my friend in your prayers/good wishes/amazing thoughts.

The adventure continues..

Jim and Cheri

PS:  Today is our 13 year wedding anniversary... when this cabin project started, I had no idea it would bring such fun and joy and annoyance and a thousand other feelings into MY life... I tell people to follow their dreams, and not to let their dreams die within them...  This is OUR dream - a couple of old farts building a cabin on the top of a mountain.. It's been an amazing experience working with Jim... we bring a completely different perspective to the building process... I know what I'd like, and Jim has this amazing way of interpreting what I want and makes it a reality...  He has his ideas too.  Usually a little more down to earth.  Sometimes, however, he looks at me like I'm crazy and just says, "no.. won't work".. and, I always come back with something about the Laws of Physics.. giggle..  It's been an amazing project and I encourage everyone to start your own project ... take your time, don't go into debt and have fun... I have fallen so crazy in love with my sweetheart before and after this project - I can't begin to express what's in my heart...  So,'s to you, with love.  Cheri


  1. Really enjoyed reading ! The trials and tribulations to as we carry on through this situation! I think the fluffy towels will look amazing in that beautiful cabinet 😉
