Thursday, November 19, 2020

... not a work weekend... more of a get away from Provo kind of time....

It was kind of a weird couple of weeks - just trying to get back into the swing of things again.  I hadn't been to the cabin in quite some time, so this was the perfect time to go.  Jim is still recovering from knee replacement surgery, and I was just a couple of days off having kidney surgery, so this was to be a non work kinda time... much needed.

It looks like we had a little bit of snow, but a lot of it melted away, as evidenced by what is still visible.  It was an absolutely beautiful weekend... a little chilly, but pleasant.

We met with an HVAC contractor and are waiting for his bid.  It would be nice to have a little bit of heat!  But, for now, here's our furnace.. Giggle.

Jim found this amazing chest of drawers a week ago, and we picked it up a couple of days ago.  We do not know the history but, we do know the age...from research Jim has done it was made around 1790.  Yes, it's 210 years old.  Jim found similar ones on the Internet.  It shows its age with a few dings here and there but it is beautiful mahogany faded into a blonde kind of color. 

And, a couple of years ago, we picked up 10 pieces of this tin that, if I remember correctly, was from a hotel in Kansas City when it was originally built a billion years ago....  It was originally on the edges of the ceiling.  Well, Jim took this one piece to the powder coater and had it coated white.  We are going to put it as the back splash in the kitchen between the cupboards and the countertop, and it will match the stove and oven perfectly.  I feel it turned out beautifully.  In fact, the powder coater guy said that if we didn't use all 40 feet, he would like to buy the left overs from us.  I was totally psyched about how this turned out.

Well, it continues . . .

Love, Jim and Cheri

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