Monday, May 10, 2021

And, The Weekend Is In The Books!!!

And, this is how the weekend began.... I had this sign made for Jim several years ago by a friend that I work with... He does amazing work.  Jim and I were talking about the sign on the way to the cabin and he said that the first thing he was going to do was to put the sign up... We had a little bit of a hard time deciding exactly where we wanted it, but I think we found the perfect place.  It looks amazing, and makes the whole cabin just like... homey... I love it.

The weekend actually started on Thursday night - as you can tell, Jim took me out to the most expensive place in Provo.... sigh... sad, that the most expensive store is Home Depot.  But, we just found out that redwood decking is finally in stock, and we are little by little purchasing the wood for the front side of the cabin...  We need quite a bit of it, and they don't always have a lot, so we are being picky with the pieces, and purchasing when they have acceptable pieces.

This weekend, I was honoured to have this little "Nana babysitter" spend a couple of days with us.  Whenever he comes over, he likes to eat at Nico's Pizza in Provo... and, my goodness, this kid can really eat... I think he has hollow legs!

We got off to a late start on Saturday morning, but we just had to stop in Scipio (on I-15  South) because we can get a snack there (the boy was hungry... again) and they have a petting zoo that I thought he would get a kick out of...

And, along with the roosters that were fighting, Coy got a kick out of the Zonkey... I didn't even know that Zonkeys existed, but, they actually do.  They are a cross because a Zebra and a donkey.  No joke...

And, Coy got to visit with bunnies.....

and goats and sheep...

and, turtles, a camel, an emu and an ostrich.....  It really was a fun little outing.

We got to the cabin on Saturday afternoon, and did a little bit of work, but it started getting dark, so we headed back to Panguitch.  We had dinner at the Cowboy Steakhouse because... the boy was hungry... really hungry...  and, this kid knows exactly what he wants.   And, he's really particular in how and what he wants...  But, every time he wanted to talk to Jim, he would reach over and grab Jim's chin and  turn his head.. cracked me up.. to the hotel room, and Coy and Jim had a moment playing on Coy's tablet... 

I think Coy has to explain stuff to Jim... I know he has to explain stuff to me...  uhuh..
I remember, years ago, I was looking after Mahayla, and had to ask her how to turn the tablet on.... ya... was a grandma moment.

So, we got up on Sunday morning, and the boy was hungry... why does this not surprise me.. We took him to Jim and Lowell's favourite breakfast joint and then the three of us sat outside in the sunshine and enjoyed breakfast... lovely morning...

We got to the cabin and the real work began.. We, rather Jim, has to move about 40 of those big huge blocks from the front of the cabin to the back of the cabin, so that the city water can be brought from the road... HUGE job...

Each 1,800 lbs. block has to be picked up individually and moved...

Jim did an amazing job.. but, it's time consuming and exhausting work..

Coy, on the other hand, did little boy stuff.. like, playing in the dirt.  I'm not quite sure what he was trying to accomplish, but he had fun.

Inside, Coy was busy building Lego sets and kickin' back with Nana...

Rather, he was playing, and Nana fell asleep...  

When we were driving to the cabin on Saturday afternoon, out in the middle of one field stood an antelope.. wasn't really big, but was just standing there.  We slowed down to show Coy, and when we started to drive again, a coyote ran in front of the truck... We'd never seen a coyote on the mountain before, so this was a total treat... lots of deer, and rabbits... no antelopes and no coyotes... amazing wildlife and the mountain never ceases to amaze us.

Well, the adventure, as always, continues..
Love, Jim and Cheri


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