Sunday, June 6, 2021

..Moving Forward... baby steps...(This is from 2 weeks ago...)

Our weekend started our just a little bit different than usual... It's usually a Saturday morning that we start the drive down to the cabin, but this week, we took off after work on Friday - hoping to get an early start on the weekend.  I had checked the weather report, and it said it was supposed to be in the upper 60's, so we were encouraged.

When we got there, it was about 20 degrees cooler, and windy.  Got to the cabin, and it was freezing cold and because we don't have a furnace in yet, I spent most of Saturday under an electric blanket.  Was freezing cold.  A guy at the store said that it had got down to 17 degrees at night - and although it didn't feel quite like 17 degrees, it was frosty...

We made another trip to Coalville to pick up a load of bricks.  This time, we stacked the bricks on their edge, differently than before, which doubled the number of bricks we put in the trailer... made it really heavy to tow.  Jim figures that we are going to need probably about five loads to have enough to complete the hot tub area... oh my... it's tough work.

And, here's evidence of the tough work... I usually pull the bricks and throw them over the fence and Jim loads them on the trailer.  But, because of the deteriorating condition of my knee, I found that I couldn't bend down to pick up the brick, so we switched jobs.  I felt so bad for Jim - it's hard work.

But, here it is all stacked all pretty...

And, here they are, all stacked up and ready to be installed!

The pattern of the brick in this picture is what I want to design... I told Jim that it was easy, and but, especially easy to fix a mistake.  I kinda like it.

This is Jim adding a paragraph after Cheri wrote this Blog page.  I understand how passionate Cheri is to build this patio out of these 100+ year old bricks.  She is willing to endure spiders in order to collect these bricks out of the ground, in a pasture in Coalville, Utah.  She is determined!

Jim still had quite a few of the big blocks to move so that we could have the water line trench dug.... Again, hard work...  He moved another 6 blocks to make room for the trenching.


One thing that Jim showed me, was he has put a light in every closet.  It really drives me crazy when I can't see my clothes in the closets, so, that problem has been remedied...  What a sweetie.

And, Jim showed me the progress in the upstairs bathroom.  There's lights above the sink!  I love it.

And, here they are turned on.  I am totally loving how the loft bathroom is turning out.  It's absolutely, 100% what I want.

When we were in Hawaii, I bought this light fixture because it would always remind me of our trip.  I love the sunny colour.  Jim installed it in my glass work area upstairs.  The perfect place.

And, here it is all lit up.

Jim was in Panguitch for Mother's Day, but he sent me this picture of a little present he bought for me.  Somehow, it just makes sense... at least, it's going to make a whole lot more sense when that water line goes in, and there's a working shower and a working toilet!! Maybe at that point, it should say, "The bathroom is calling, and I must go!"

And, here's our weird story of the week... There was a dead bird on the floor in the great room.  I don't know how these birds get into the cabin, but, there's no water or food in there, and they eventually bite the dust.  I feel bad for them, but if we leave food and water, we would be inviting mouses and a plethora of other creatures in.  I don't know what kind of bird this is... But, we've had wood peckers and blue birds before.  

And, here's a little purchase I made for the loft bathroom.  You can't see the mirror in the middle, but, that's what it is.   The iron work holding the mirror in is a chippy turquoise, and I think it's going to be perfect.

We will not be going to the cabin this weekend...  My daughter, Brianne is getting married, and I think her wedding trumps the cabin building.  Her fiancĂ©, soon to be husband, Lowell, is really a great guy, and we wish them the very best. (Update - because this is late in posting.. the wedding was absolutely beautiful and amazing and fun... and exhausting... The venue was perfect, the food was amazing, the guests were absolutely fun, Lowell's family are so lovely - I could not imagine a more perfect family for my Brianne to call "in laws"... we're tired, but happy...

As always, the adventure continues.. Love, Jim and Cheri.


  1. Many success on all of your adventures. One of many of your favorite fans Paul and Carol from Lake Havasu City. Just saying hello and God Bless.

    1. Oh my goodness... I am SO glad you wrote to us! When we left the restaurant, we realized we didn't get an address or email or phone number... nadda!!! We made sure you had all our information, and walked away with nothing of yours!!! We were just so thrilled we met y'all!!! When you want to come down to Panguitch next, please, please, please contact us!! Cheri

  2. Paul and Carol... if you see this, please let us know how we can contact you! Keep smiling, Jim and Cheri
