Tuesday, November 23, 2021

...the weather is changing and it's getting colder and colder.... sigh...

 Well, it was a big week in the cabin building department, starting with the cement truck coming on Monday and pouring the cement that builds the foundation for the deck.   But, it came with controversy.  Jim calculated all the concrete and we needed 81 cubic feet exactly.  So when the delivery truck came up empty and all the forms weren't filled Jim started recalculating and he came to the conclusion the truck didn't deliver what he asked for.  Apparently, when someone orders a small load, you get your delivery last, after everyone else with larger loads gets their orders... and, everybody else got more than ordered...Seems they were about 17 cubic feet or 2/3rds of a yard short on our order.  The concrete company refused to admit they were short but the round Sonotubes had no (zero) concrete in them.  Jim was not happy.  Cheri was not happy... With the weather getting colder, we can't pour the sonotubes and have them set properly in the cold... irritating.

Along with the cement work for the deck, the pad for the propane tank was poured also... Looks amazing.. Now, this isn't a propane tank about the size for your barbecue grill.. This baby is 16' long and holds 1,000 gallons of propane...  She's a big girl...

She will be nestled behind some trees - so she can have a little privacy... uhuh...  It's supposed to be delivered this week but with Thanksgiving on Thursday it most likely will be next week.

Jim put a 2nd layer of  (whatever the stuff is called) Teak oil on the kitchen island.  It was really cold at the cabin on Saturday night, and it was still a little sticky on Sunday morning, but, by evening, it was dry and looked amazing!

It looks a little darker now, but is still beautiful!

I can't wait to see the power outlets, cook top and sink installed. 

Next was to put insulation around the septic tank to help avoid it from freezing during the winters.  Once these sheets of foam insulation were in place Jim filled in the hole.  

The pipe is a clean out, just in case the pipes ever get plugged.  Preparedness! 
 It will be cut down when we pour a concrete pad in front of the door next year.

And, I got a call from the hot tub people on Saturday.. Apparently, the big boss doesn't think it's fair that they use our hot tub as a demo in their shop... so, their suggestion was to release the hold on the tub until the spring, and they'll bring another one in when we can get it up the hill to the cabin.  The new one is supposed to be completed on February 24, 2022, and will be shipped from California at that time, and will be delivered some time within March.  Actually, this works out really well because it will be the end of March to the beginning of April that we'll be able to get back up the hill and the tub can be installed..  So, we'll have a summer of using the hot tub.. Although it was a little weird releasing our hot tub after waiting so long, I'm excited to have it for a whole spring/summer and fall.

And, I started picking out the flooring for the main level bedroom.  I have probably looked at 10 different stores and 50 different types of flooring, and I think I found one I really like.  I bought one box and Jim took it to the cabin to see what it actually would look like on the floor in that room...

I stopped by the old house that is being demolished.. the one where I'm salvaging a little brick... There was still piles of brick so I decided to pick up a load in my car... you know, the car that has a chipmunk under the hood...?  (I really love my Kia, Soul and I'm willing to take all the ragging about it!!  Giggle) Well, I picked up about 20 brick, and, she doesn't handle too well on the road with the extra weight, so I didn't take any more... But, there was this young guy there that was very willing to help gather bricks... was very nice... said helping was part of his rehab... Um... I'm glad he was in rehab and was getting his life together, but I don't mean to be ugly about this, but, I was a little nervous...  I asked him how long he was sober, and he said on and off for about 20 years... and, wasn't sober at this point, but was still trying...  

And, rounding out this week... We have two refrigerators in the cabin.. a little one upstairs that we usually just keep drinks in... and, a full sized refrigerator that is still downstairs in the basement..  The full sized refrigerator is eventually going to find a home on the main level kitchen...  Well, Jim found this jug of milk in the downstairs refrigerator and wanted to know if I thought it was still good.... Um... Jim.... I told him that maybe he should try a couple of sips and make a decision...  Giggle.. It expired in September and now it's November.  Don't open that with me in the room!

Well, that's it for this week... The weather is changing and getting colder and colder, and because of this, and because we don't have the furnace in yet, the building is going to be limited.  I had hoped that the furnace would go in and we could work all winter, but apparently, that is not to be.

Anyways, we're still moving forward....

As always,  the adventure continues...

Love, Jim and Cheri

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