Thursday, November 4, 2021

Uhuh.... don't know what to call this edition....

 Well, let's get this out of the way up front... I did not go to the cabin this weekend because I really wasn't feeling well...  I was planning on it, but just didn't happen... And, where ever Jim went, people asked, "Where's Cheri?"  So, I was at home, in my recliner, drinking copious cups of tea, and feeling yucky...  nuf said..sniff. . . .

The work on the deck is continuing, and as I see the pictures, I am so encouraged..

Rebar construction.

Sonotube in place, waiting for rebar inside and then concrete.

The deck foundation forms in place.

And, when Jim left on Sunday afternoon, this is how it looked...  I believe there are three new holes that were dug and are prepared, and one that needed to be repaired and reset.  Jim tells me that we should be able to have the cement truck show up in the next little bit to fill in the holes and the tubes and then move on to the next phase.. So exciting!

The quest to empty out the storage building in Panguitch continues.. My theory is that is you take a little bit out a little at a time, it eventually gets cleared out.  Jim stopped by on Saturday and picked up the sheets of insulation we have had stored.... He's going to insulate around the septic tank to make sure it never freezes.

...and, here are the sheets of insulation going around the septic tank. When that winterization process is completed, Jim will cover the tank with the dirt that has been built up around the hole... Every time I see pictures of this septic tank, I think of the weeks and weeks and weeks it took to dig out the big freakin' boulders that were hiding... groan...

Jim couldn't get the backhoe into this area, this weekend, so he had to do shoveling of the dirt by hand... and it was hard, hard work...

While emptying out the storage in Panguitch, Jim got a better picture of the granite that is going in the basement bathroom... It's got a pink and grey to it, and I think it's going to match with the floor perfectly.

And, the backhoe got fixed... and, she's running again!  So excited!

And this is how the crow foot wrench actually works...So you can reach into places where a wrench won't go.

I found these lamps this past week.. I am not sure what interested me in them, but they did!  And, I'm not sure where I am going to put them...  I am not even sure they go with everything else in the cabin... but, I just know something about them appealed to me... So, Jim kinda just went with it, and humoured me!  I just know I like them.  And, it looks like he put them in the loft bedroom!  How 70's are these?

And, last but not least, we found a guy to fix the main level shower and stop it from leaking.  He's supposed to show up this next Saturday...  Sure would be nice to have that fixed and inspected.. When it passes inspection, we can sheet tile it... and (drum roll here....) we will have a working shower!

AND, our original furnace guy has boobed out on us, but we found a guy in Duck Creek who is going to schedule us in... Might be in December, but, I feel, that late is so much better than never.  

So, we are moving forward... and, the adventure continues..

Jim and Cheri

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