Friday, January 14, 2022

...And The New Year Has Begun!!! Welcome 2022!

 Well, the year has started off amazingly here in Provo.. However, Alton, Utah was a little cold and a lot snowy, to the point that we couldn't get up the hill to the cabin because of that stupid snow.  I am truly an awful Canadian because I really hate the snow...  It is evil... The only thing I like about the cold and ice is sitting in the stands, at a hockey arena, watching Coy play, or at least, watching him sit on the boards like a pro!!

And, I ordered this piece before Christmas... it was supposed to be a stocking stuffer for Jim, but it showed up after the fact.  So, he got an after Christmas present.  Jim wasn't sure what it was, but it actually measures the inches of snow...before Christmas...  I thought it was cute.  

Jim says we are going to put it out in the jacuzzi area so we can see it clearly from the deck.

As this is our slow time, we are doing more purchasing than building... I went to order the flooring for the main level bedroom.. and they were out of stock.. had to wait a couple of weeks before it came back into stock, but finally got it ordered.  The boxes are supposed to be delivered on Friday...  I love having building materials stored in my livingroom....hmmm... (Eight boxes of flooring showed up... and, oh my, are they heavy.  I went to pick one up, and it didn't work so well...  What was funny, is when I came home from work, all the boxes and one extra package from Target were stacked in front of the door...  had to move things around to get through the door...  giggle)  And, yes... they are all stacked in my livingroom...

And, because the flooring was out of stock (and let me tell you, when it said the flooring was out of stock, I was in a panic... We have half the flooring purchased, and if it was a discontinued product, we would have been stuck with figuring out what to do at this point.... but, that panic was a little premature...), I bought the balusters for the deck.  I've been ordering them, one set at a time for several years now.  We figured we needed 77 sets and at about $100.00 a set, we've been ordering them little by little.  I think we are going to have to step up the pace because the last part of the balcony is going in this spring, and we are going to need them...  We are about half way there right now...

So, we're still making progress... and, we hope to get through the fourway this spring... (We checked with the HVAC guy this week to make sure he was still on the program, and he is recooperating from COVID right now, so that is going to be postponed a little bit... We weren't expecting him for another month or so, so, we've got a little time to play with....)  Can I just say, I hate COVID...  grrrr...

I contacted Jammie, the lady who formats our blog into a book, and she'll be starting to work on the 2021 edition soon, so I am excited and happy for that.  I'll let y'all know when we have an ETA.

As always, the adventure continues..

Love, Jim and Cheri

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