Wednesday, February 23, 2022

..playing the waiting game...


My new friend, Kelly, who lives down the hill from us, posted this picture on her facebook page.. Apparently, she got up early one morning, and took some pictures...  Thank goodness she did, because I am so allergic to mornings....  Bryce looks beautiful...

And, this is what it's like today.... 17 degrees and snow... lots of snow...  not my favourite.

We were out shopping on Saturday, and Jim found this rug... We were wanting something big enough to go under the dining room table in the great room, and this one should be exactly the right size.  And, I believe, the colours will be perfect!  I am thrilled we found this... The only problem is... this rug is wool, and it weighs maybe 200 lbs...  Jim had quite a fight getting it into the truck to get it home.  We were intending to take it to the cabin by this time, but with the snow, we couldn't move it.  So, we decided to get it out of the livingroom and put it into our storage building... again, boxing match between Jim and the rug...  Jim won...

We had dropped off our trailer up in Coalville around Thanksgiving, but we never got back to pick up more brick because it started to snow.  But, we are in the process of taking cabin items down to Panguitch (and putting them in our storage building there...) so, we needed our trailer.  So, we drove up to Coalville just to pick up the trailer, and the lady we get the brick from, bless her heart, filled the trailer with a load of brick.  She said that the brick were all frozen, and they needed their backhoe to break the ice and scoop up the brick.  She and her son and grand daughter smoothed out all the brick so that they are transportable, so, when we got there, it was all ready to go.  Such a help. We greatly appreciate it.

I finally found a clear glass teapot... About a year ago, I found one on Amazon, and ordered it, but when it showed up, it was totally smashed... Not quite what I wanted...  I've looked in different places, but didn't see exactly what I wanted... And, finally, after all the looking, found this one... exactly what I wanted!

I am collecting bottles for the fixture I am making that will go outside in the patio area.  I found this bottle about a week ago, and I loved the blue colour... Upon closer inspection, it has "Park City, Utah" on the bottle, and "High West Distillery" at the top.  I think the little splash of colour in the fixture is going to look amazing!

Jim has been purchasing parts for the furnace and ductwork little by little... and, those are part of the loads we are taking to storage in Panguitch.  I wasn't quite sure how these two pieces fit together, so Jim put the metal duct and the cover together, and then it made sense to me.  We bought the wooden register covers several weeks ago, and the duct pieces this past week... 

We were needing a set of faucets for the bath downstairs... Jim told me about this one, and until he took it out of the box I was not following this one... And, even after seeing the picture, I didn't understand it...  I needed a little course on how this works, but I think it's going to be amazing.  It's very contemporary but, it will work perfectly...  The main floor bathroom has double shower heads in shower and, I am so looking forward to trying that one out!  

I saw this cabinet online yesterday and told Jim that I just had to have it.  He was in meetings all day long and got back to me after it was already sold.  I was a little bummed... And, then the seller contacted me and said that the sale fell through, and if I wanted it, I could have it. So, I drove to Salem, Utah, and picked it up.  I love it!  I told Jim that I want this piece in the loft bathroom... He doesn't think it's going to fit there, but when we actually get it into the area, we'll see exactly where it is going to live.  It's so cute... 

And, last but of course, not least...  I was out on Saturday and saw this little beauty...  There was a sign on it that said, "Little Old Lady Shopping Cart"...  Little old lady?  My mom took a cart like this shopping when I was a kid... that was before the time when every household had two cars and you would drive to the store...  When you walked to the store, you had to have some means of carrying all the bags home!  I remember, when I was maybe 4 or 5 years old, going to the store with my mom, and licking the frosty railing around the door outside the grocery store... got my tongue stuck... yes, I was one of those kids...  Learned an important lesson that day...  uhuh... nuff said.

We heard from the hot tub people.. Our tub is supposed to be delivered at the end of March.. which is about the time when we should be starting to get up to the cabin....  They said there is a window of about a month before ACTUAL delivery...  But, we have a ton of work to get done BEFORE the tub is delivered and installed... and, I mean a ton....  We've already talked to Bri and Lowell about helping get it ready,  and, we're trying to work their schedule into our schedule.. We've also been hearing from the furnace guy who is waiting, waiting, waiting... and, Howard, our handyman is on that waiting list also...  I'm not a particularly patient person, so this is driving me crazy...  And, I with this last comment, my Jim would say something like..."Well, you don't have very far to go..."... Hmmm..

On that note, the adventure continues,

Love, Jim and Cheri


  1. I'm glad things are working out besides the snow. I love the shower head, cabinet and the bottle. Oh yeah you two also. Miss you. Oh yeah the rug is beautiful.

    1. Thank you...! Um... there's no name on your post, so I really don't know who I'm talking to!! Giggle. Cheri
