Thursday, February 3, 2022

Um.... Let me Re-Iterate... I REALLY DON'T LIKE SNOW.....


I was looking at pictures, this past weekend, of our beautiful Bryce Canyon... and, I saw this picture and was amazed how elegant and beautiful the snow against the red rocks was... that was before....

...we got stuck in the stupid snow... it changed my mind about snow... actually, it didn't change my mind.. I have always hated snow.. it just confirmed my hatred...

We were kind of stranded on the mountain for a couple of hours.  Jim called a friend that worked at the local eatery, and they sent a gentleman who works at the Panguitch Fire Department to pull us out... The guy's name was Mack and he came with his son...  the whole process took maybe 3 minutes...  I told Jim that I felt like I was in a 60's sitcom... you know about "a three hour tour"...  I kept saying this is all part of the adventure... I don't think I like these kind of adventures... (Jim Insert here - It reminded me of a time gone past a few years ago.  Right in front of our house!  That's our driveway!  Cheri came home in a hurry.  Insert photo here) Hey... at least, I got stuck right in front of our house!!!

I had to call Metal Mart back on Monday to see what was happening with my wrought iron pieces that I've been waiting for.  They didn't call me back a week ago, hence the call. The guy I talked to said that the pieces still weren't in, and they are from China, and are stuck on a boat somewhere in the middle of somewhere and don't know when they are going to show up... Sigh... I've been faithfully collecting interesting bottles in the meantime... and, hope to have an interesting collection by the time the fixture is to be put together...

But, I did find a couple of pieces for the lower outside patio - my drink station...  I think these three pieces together will be perfect for what I'm imagining.  Jim says that every day there are new boxes piled outside our front door...  Amazon is my best friend!!

The main reasons we were going down to the cabin was two fold.  We wanted to see if we could get the skidoos out of the storage area, and if we couldn't get into our cabin, drop off a load of things into our storage building in Panguitch.  Well, there was too much snow to even attempt to get the skidoos - actually, we are thankful that our skidoos are on a trailer because other snowmobiles in the same area that are on the ground, are totally buried!  So, the skidoos are going to stay right where they are at for a little while longer.  But, we did take a whole lot of STUFF out of my living room and put it into storage.  All that flooring, and the first load of sheet metal and duct work for the furnace, outdoor stair treads, got relocated...

In this first picture you can see part of the flooring and the padding that goes under the flooring...

This picture shows the square duct sheet metal and a loading dollie.

...and, here's more ductwork and insulation.  Did you know you have to insulate all the dust work in your new house now?  New building code.  By the time we actually get our bodies into the truck, there is barely enough room to breathe....  The seats don't move... and, the whole truck is packed.  I am anticipating we'll be making a few more trips like this.

And, on our way up to the cabin, there were four of five Pronghorn antelope just chillin' at the side of the road... I've seen lots and lots of deer and other wildlife, but never antelope.  So, this was kind of fun.  I figure that maybe they came down off the mountain for food or water.  Dunno... It was kind of nice seeing them...

And, we made new friends over the past couple of weeks... Several weeks ago, Jim and I went to dinner at La Casita in Springville... We got to visiting with another couple, who were also waiting... the conversation was nothing special - idle chatter.  The other couple got called before we did, and as we were then sitting there, waiting for our table to come up, the lady came back and asked us if we wanted to have dinner with them... We were like.. um... we don't know you, but what the heck... so, we went.. Had a really pleasant time, and visited until the restaurant was closing.  When we were leaving, the hostess at the front, said that she didn't realize we were together, and we admitted that we didn't know these people at all, but it was fun!  We exchanged info, and hope to get together again...  The gentleman was a mechanic for trains...  Very interesting...    

Then, this past week, I found a hanging pot holder in wrought iron for the downstairs kitchen that I really liked... So, I contacted the seller and asked where she was at.  After a back and forth conversation, she said that she lived in a subdivision called Bryce Woodlands...  giggle... That's where our cabin is, and in actuality, they live just down the hill from us.  We've only owned the property for 10 years sand we're finally meeting more of the neighbours..  Actually they moved in about two years ago during the first pandemic outbreak . . .And, we found out that they have a daughter who lives just down the hill from us in Provo...!  Small World!  We met up with this couple on Sunday at their other daughter's place in Eagle Mountain, and had a lovely visit.  Such a nice couple...   So, little by little, we are moving out of our comfort zone, and it's actually nice.... We've lived in our house in Provo for 16 years, and still don't know a whole lot of the neighbours.. so, maybe this is a good start.... (not).  (As you may have guessed, Jim and I are not the most social people on the face of the earth... go figure).

We have lots of plans right now... for the months ahead - but, just can't get the dreams into motion because of the... stupid snow!!!  I'm praying for springtime!

As always, the adventure continues.

Love, Jim and Cheri

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