Friday, April 1, 2022


 First up on the list, for this week..... We celebrated Mahayla's birthday.  This little beauty celebrated her 11th birthday... I personally don't know when this happened.. but, I am sure that she is still only 4 or 5... Sure doesn't seem like 11 years have gone by... Hopefully, she liked the Legos we sent her - if not, Brad has friends who would be happy to take them off her hands...  So, happy birthday, little Chickaphant!  You are loved.  (And, this grandma misses you like crazy).  We are hoping that the grandkids will have the opportunity to come to the cabin in the summer, from Alaska and Provo... and, visit with us!  I keep telling them that we have flush toilets, so they must come visit!!

We have been desperately waiting for the snow to go away.... waiting, waiting, waiting... not so patiently, but my friend Kelly, sent me these pictures, earlier in the week... So, we are feeling hopeful!

Then, on Thursday, Kelly wrote me and said she and her husband were taking a drive around the mountain, and sent me pictures....  My heart just about jumped out of my chest, I was sooo freakin' excited.. This was one of the first ones she sent... this is going up to our cabin....

THEN... I got this picture.. of the actual cabin...  I was so excited I could barely contain myself.  I called Jim at home and told him to go to messenger NOW!!!  We were both so absolutely thrilled!  It looks like a lot of the snow is gone, and there's a HUGE possibility we can start going back and get working!

Looks like the roads are still messy, but we figure, if we just take the truck that has 4 wheel drive, and not pull a trailer, we should be able to make it!  I was all excited about going, but then realized, there is still no heat or hot water, and with my current medical woes, it needs to warm up a little bit before I show up and spend the night...  But, the excitement continues.  Jim is going to go this weekend, and meet with the HVAC guy on Saturday, and a couple of rock masons on Saturday and Sunday and see what we can get going.

So, this is a HUGE thank you to our friend Kelly for taking all these amazing pictures, and bringing such ultimate joy to us!  You rock!

And, we got a call from the hot tub people..... the new hot tub is in Springville (which is about 5 miles from Provo) and they are ready and raring to deliver the tub and get it installed.  We have a whole lot of dirt work that needs to be done before it's delivered... and, hopefully, that's one of the things that Jim is going to do this weekend... depending on how much mud is still making it's presence known...  Jim also has to dig a trench from the propane tank to the house, so the HVAC guy can put that line in, and we can then attach the hot water heater...#7939 is our's, I can't believe it!

We were out and about a week ago Saturday, and found a cooktop that we's gas, and I tend to incinerate everything when I'm "cooking with gas", but, I guess I'm going to learn.. or else, Jim is going to be eating lots of meals that actually should have been considered... burnt offerings.  Brianne loves gas stoves, so at least, someone will be happy! Here is the cooktop sitting in the island in the kitchen.

And.. here's an interesting story.  I ordered a surround to go in the downstairs bathroom.. we are eventually going to tile, but until that happens, the surround is going to go around the bathtub that is already there...  I told Jim that it would be nice to have a place to have a shower after working all day... and he agreed that we'll get the surround, and it would be temporary... So, I ordered it... 3 weeks later, I get a notice that it has arrived at the shipping company, and it would be delivered the next day.. I am stoked.  The next day, I get a message saying that it will be delivered in 10 minutes.  Again, I'm stoked.  When I get home from work... no surround.. So, I figured that maybe it was on the truck and we have until about 8:00 PM for the delivery... midnight comes and no surround.. I call the shipping company the next day, and they say they couldn't deliver it because nobody was home.  Well, Jim was home all day and there was no delivery.. But, they said it's on the truck and would be delivered that day.. and guess what.. no delivery... Well, these shenanigans go on for a week..  I call the supplier and they call the shipping company, and ask why it wasn't delivered, and they say that nobody is home, and there's nobody to sign for it.. The paperwork states that they don't need a signature... they can just drop it off at the front door...  So, the shipper says they will redeliver the next day...  uhuh... yep.. no delivery the next day... so, the supplier calls the shipper again, and they are told... nobody is home, so they sent it back...  I am totally incensed at this point, and tell the supplier that I want my money refunded, and they say that they can only refund my money after the product has been delivered and then shipped back... I am beside myself..  Then it is discovered that it wasn't sent back, but, they couldn't deliver it because we lived on an unidentified, unpaved, rural street... We live in the heart of Provo on a cul-de-sac with a school across the street...  Finally, after I write negative reviews and complain to anybody who would listen, I am told that it wasn't sent back, and it will be delivered... the next day... I told them that I don't believe a word they say.. when I see it, I'll believe it...  

So, just in case they showed up, I put this big sign on our trailer, asking them that if they do show up, to put the surround in our trailer.. no need to travel down that long. . . unpaved (concrete) rural street. . . and, I sign my name... And, this trailer is at the end of our driveway right at the street.. they can't miss it...

Jim comes home from work, and the surround is finally delivered and apparently, the delivery driver is blind, because, he drug the surround down to our front door...  So weird... So, after 10 days trying to get this stupid surround delivered, it showed up!

And, while we haven't been able to get to the cabin, Jim has had tons of other projects to work on... one of them is to weld together the corbels that support the roof on the east side of the cabin.. and, here's what they look like... We'll now take it to the powder coater to make them look like black wrought iron, and then we'll install them...  So proud of him.. He does really amazing work.

And, of course, we have issue with purchasing the water heater.  We have been contacting the plumbing supply company to get a propane water heater that is for over 8,000 feet in elevation.  They kept saying they have them in stock and they are good for 10,000 feet.  So, yesterday, Jim goes to pick it up, and reads on the water heater itself that it's only good to 8,000 feet... And, we are 8,300 feet in elevation.  So, the search is on to get one that is suitable for our elevation.  Well, Jim found one this morning... of course, it's not in stock - has to be ordered... And, it is $800 more than the original one we were going to purchase...  We needed a water heater that has a side PVC vent, not a metal roof vent.  I originally told Jim that I wanted double water heaters because I flat don't want to run out of hot water... But, having to spend about $2k on ONE water heater, I'll abandon that idea...

But, it's still getting so exciting...  I can hardly contain myself.

We'll keep you updated...  I was going to say when we get the Jacuzzi installed, we'll take pictures.. And, then I rethought the situation... not gonna happen...  I don't do spandex!!!

Until then, the adventure continues...  Love, Jim and Cheri.

Side note:  It was our 15th wedding anniversary this past week... If anyone would have told me that this cabin building project would be part of my future, I would have though they were crazy... Being married to Jim has been an incredible journey, and the adventures never stop... He's my heart and my soul and my life's breath... I am blessed, and thankful, and a thousand other things all rolled up into one... The first picture is from 1978 and yes, it is our original engagement picture...  But that, is a whole 'nother story.... (Jim no longer has the "Saturday Night Fever" hair, and I let Elton John have his glasses back.. Giggle...)

... still love this guy something stupid.  Cheri

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