Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Making Progress!!!!


Top of the blog today... this picture cracks me up...  Jim went to the cabin to do a little work... I didn't go because we still don't have heat and it's kinda cold there... I called Jim and asked him what the temperature was like... he sent me this picture..  giggle.  He said it was 29 degrees and so cold that he was having a problem working....  poor dear....

Well, last week I told  you the continuing saga of the surround for the downstairs bathroom.  Jim took the surround to the cabin and unpacked it.  Apparently, it had quite a ride because all the packing inside the box was totally broken up.  Jim checked the surround for broken parts and couldn't find any.. there was one extra little piece, but nothing broken... As suspected, the driver really didn't want to delivery this item because of the weight.

We've been slowly, but surely unpacking the living room and putting the various items in our storage building in Panguitch.  And, it's kinda nice to start seeing the living room floor again.... Whenever Jim takes a truck load, he makes sure that every single little space is filled with... something.  He is a master at organizing.. and, I hate to admit it, but organization is not my forte in the least... Jim calls me the "project manager" and, thank goodness that job doesn't entail organizing...  

As you can see, there's not much space left for anything.

And, this is what inside the back seat of the cab looks like...

Mahayla once told Jim that when he doesn't want to work for Boeing any longer, that he should get a job at Build a Bear.  I think he should get a job on "Hoarders"... he would be amazing... Giggle.

Because of the cold and the snow in Panguitch in the winter, most of the restaurants close down.  With this trip, Jim has found that a couple of the restaurants are now opening up.... which means, he can actually have a meal at the end of the day!

And, we have lined up a few contractors in the next couple of weeks.  Jim found a stone mason to do the hearth for the wood burning stove.  We've had the rock for the hearth for several years, but couldn't find a stone mason..  The guy came out last week, and actually gave us a bid and we set up a time to have him come in and do the job.  He's set to do the rock work on May 9th, and he gave us some really good suggestions to customize the area.  We needed to pick a colour for the grout and after going to several stores, we decided on "Navajo Brown".  The rock is a creamy white/yellow and we liked this medium brown to hold it in place.  
    And, the guy doing the installation for the furnace, air conditioner, duct work, and water heater is coming this next Tuesday.  The stonework and the furnace work, each, are going to take three days.  I am just thrilled they are showing up.  

    The water heater was delivered today, and Jim will be picking it up tomorrow to take it down to the cabin...It took a little longer for delivery than we anticipated, but that's ok... We said that as long as it was delivered before Friday, we were good..  Today's Wednesday, and the guy at the store said he  watched it be unloaded off the truck today.  So, we're golden.

    The hot tub people keep calling and wanting a firm date of when they can deliver the tub... not quite yet...  sigh... Jim did pick up the block that goes out in the patio under the hot tub today, and I don't think his truck quite liked the weight...  It looked a little sad...  With all the block PLUS the water heater in the bed of the truck... I just hope the truck makes it!

    And, I picked out the top edge border tile for the loft bathroom... The bathtub is white with a grey marbling through it, so I wanted something that would really harmonize..  I saw this tile and thought it was perfect.  Jim suggested that I replace some of the circles with a round green circled tile, that would match the countertop on the sink, and I think it's a great idea.  I haven't made it to the tile company in Orem yet to see what they have, but I am hoping to do it this weekend.  It's been so freakin' cold here, I am not really motivated to go out any more than I have to.  But, I am loving the idea.

    We've just a couple of days off till the weekend, which means another trip down south is coming.  Jim and I were talking with Brad tonight - he and his family purchased a house in Alaska, and totally gutted it and are redoing cabinets and flooring and wiring.. and, he mentioned how disheartening it was, at times, looking at all the work they have to do, and how tiring it was... and I immediately reflected on the last 8 years... and, I so understand.  You take on a huge project, and you just get overwhelmed at times... At least, this year, we are seeing so much progress, and it gives me hope for the summer.  I wish Brad and his family the best of luck with their "huge project".

    As always, the adventure continues...

    Love, Jim and Cheri

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