Sunday, September 10, 2023

..Finally Starting To Cool Down... a bit...

We've had so much progress in the cabin over the last couple of weeks...  A lot of electrical work was completed, and, this is the final picture... The lights were put on the deck, and the look at night is spectacular! Just remember, this is only one side of the deck... there's a whole other side with the same beautiful effect...

Here's a picture of the deck, without the cover of trees, but it's just as beautiful.  

The boys have been busy doing a little repair work that was not completed by the framer.... so many holes and spaces..  If you follow along on the blog, you'll know we have had a problem with birds getting into the cabin, and then departing this life on the living room floor.  Well, that issue was dealt with - no possible way for them to get in any longer!  What was found was a bird's nest at the peak of the prow, with a bird in the nest that didn't make it to the living room floor... Uhuh... It looks messy, but it does the trick and will be all covered up with insulation and sheetrock...

Here's a little more fix-it that was completed...

Yup... and a little more...

I always ask Jim to take pictures for me...(telling the truth... I haven't been at the cabin since May...long story)...  But, Jim was telling me that he and Ben were filling the open spaces in the walls to stop the birds, and he took this picture.  I didn't think he would take a picture of Ben's butt, but it is . . . what it is.. He said there was no other shot he could get...  So, here it is.... Ben's butt...

The waterproofing on the main level shower is done, and now the issue is to find faucets that I like.  I first of all had to find out what brand of faucets I was supposed to get.  This is the only pictures that Jim sent me, and they didn't have a brand listed anywhere on them.  So, I had to get a hold of our original plumber, and he said to buy MOEN.  So, the search is on.  

At least, I think I got what would look nice.  I had to order them online because there wasn't anything in the store - Home Depot or Lowe's that I liked.  But, I found some I liked and ordered them... Just waiting on delivery.  I sure would like it if they were like Amazon Prime and showed up next day!!!  If Amazon can have next day delivery, why can't Home Depot???

Over the winter, my one hummingbird feeder shattered, and this spring, I found that my 2nd hummingbird feeder was leaking like crazy.  So, Jim, replaced the leaky one with a brand new feeder and filled it.  Now, in the morning, we have little visitors buzzing around.  

The work on the electrics continues.  Here's an outlet on the outside of the cabin being installed.  I am sure glad Jim knows this stuff... I sure don't...  If it were up to me, we'd be living in the dark...

Jim was hoping to put the metal roofing up on the deck this weekend... But, this happened...  Somehow, Mother Nature did not get the message for sunny weather...

I personally think it looks wonderfully romantic...  

We had this water cube in the loft for years... then it was moved down to the deck, and this past weekend, it was moved off, out of the way.  We bought this boom truck, and I swear, it has been used for roofing, and moving in a refrigerator and a wood burning stove and a plethora of other things.  Now, it's moving a water cube!!

Ben's job was to install the under the sink, outlet for the dishwasher and the garbage disposal..  During one of his jobs, he got something in his eye, and had to go to the emergency room... they told him that he scratched his cornea.  Poor thing was in terrible pain... But... the outlet got installed.  I feel bad for him.

Jim and Ben were both working on installing the circuit for the can lights in the loft and ran into a little bit of a problem.  They couldn't seem to get it working correctly.  Jim was telling me the issue they were having, and I told him to call my brother up in Toronto... He's an electrical engineer and I figured he would know this stuff.  Jim "wouldn't ask for directions" so I called my brother and explained the problem.  He sent me this picture and said it was really easy...  I think I didn't explain the issue well enough.. My brother was a sweetie and sent an instruction picture to Jim....  This is what he sent after I explained the issue... Jim said there were a lot of other things going on and it was a lot more complicated.

This is what Jim sent back to me and to my brother... with this, I am 100% I didn't explain it correctly.  Giggle.  After doing and undoing their work several times, they finally got the can lights in the loft working, but the ceiling fan in the great room stopped working.  Jim thinks they blew up the motor controller...  Back to the drawing board...

We had the county building inspector come out on Friday - inspecting the electrical system.  He was saying to Jim that he felt it really has taken us a LONG time to get this cabin finished.  Jim explained that he only works weekends on the cabin for 7 months out of the year, and with that the total number of days a year he can work on it is under 60.  The inspector said that the average house only takes 130 days to complete.  When Jim asked how may people were on these crews that can pull off the 130 days, and he said there were about 3 - 4 people working on them.  Jim then said... I am only one person.  We now have Ben helping out which has made a big difference, but for the first 5 years, there was just Jim.  The inspector then said, "Well, you've come a long way!"   Um... pretty much... And, we PASSED the electrical inspection so we can now insulate!!!

And, guess what got started!!!INSULATION!!!


I saw this sign and thought of all the adventures Jim and I have had over the last 16 years.  I don't know if I realized it was going to be this way when he asked me, "Will you marry me"... I think he should have completed the sentence with, "Will you marry me, and we're going to have an amazing, crazy, heartbreaking experience... but, trust me! It'll be memorable"...  
And, I probably would have still said YES!  Still love this nut something stupid.

And, with that, the adventure continues.  Love, Jim and Cheri

"The quandary in life is you're halfway through before you realize it's a do it yourself project"

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