Wednesday, September 20, 2023


We got the building inspector's approval for insulation a week ago, and the first few sections went into the living room as a test.  I was with Jim this past weekend, and we, rather, Jim decided we should attack the main floor bathroom.. So, the insulation portion of this project began... and it's hard work!!!  I learned lots, didn't participate a lot, but learned lots.... like the difference between R13, R19 and R20...  Uhuh...  Here's Jim making the first cuts in the long bats of insulation for the bathroom...and this is R20...  Jim's was rockin' with the "Pink Panther" all day...


And, the first piece is going up beside the shower....

    His job was to position it, tack it into place at the top of the wall and then my job....

... was to staple it down to the bottom and behind the toilet...  Only problem is... my body doesn't quite move in a contorted way... but, I tried...

Jim is a billion times better at this job than I am... I told him I was more support staff instead of contract labor.  But I love the air powered staple gun!

The insulation got put in, stapled down, and taped... and, I'm incredibly stoked about it.

Moving on from picture of our bathroom and toilet......

Friday night, I asked Jim what he wanted for dinner, and he wanted steaks... So, steaks it was...  He grilled them on the BBQ and they were amazingly delicious.

..baked some potatoes and put a salad with it and it was a wonderful dinner...  See, I'm better in the support staff position!

It was a little frosty over night...  I took this picture at about 10 in the morning, and it was finally warming up to the point that you didn't have to have a sweater on... It was frigid over night and I was soo glad we have an electric blanket on the bed.  I swear it must have gotten down to 50!

Jim pulled out the telescope on Friday... it's been in a box for years... The stars were so incredibly beautiful when we got there on Thursday night, he decided a closer look and it was a good idea...  There was no moon in the sky, and the stars looked so incredibly bright next to the ink black sky...

I was talking to my youngest brother on Friday, and he was saying he was on an airplane flying over Alberta and it looks really brown... so, I took these two pictures to show him what I was hovering over... everything is beautiful and lovely to look at.  This is the view from the back of the cabin...

And, this is the side view...

Here's a little more of the insulation process....

...making sure there is no cold coming in around my sunflowers.

And, this is what the bathroom looked like after it was insulated, and the mirror and lights were put back up temporarily until the sheet rock and tile comes.

Here's another view... We're making progress.

Now, this is the first piece of sheetrock to go up (it took me a couple of minutes to remember exactly what gyprock is called here in the States... It's always been gyprock, and when I write this blog, Jim looks at it, and changes it before publication....  so, I'm one ahead of him this time..) ....The ceiling has to be done first I'm told.  We are not allowed to sheetrock on any outside wall until we get the county building inspection done...  And, that is not going to happen until Monday.  So a non-insulated ceiling part under the loft is OK.  It looks curved in the photo, but that's only the camera lens.

I did find the faucet handles for the main floor shower, however.  Had to call the plumber because I didn't know what guts he had installed behind the wall... but, we got it figured out, and he told me to go with MOEN... He says that MOEN fits just about anything, and it's easier to fix if there's a problem.

For fun, I put some pumpkins out for the fall season... I'm not a very "decorating/crafty" kind of person... Last year, I put out a real pumpkin and let the squirrels and chipmunks do the decorating on it for me... They did a great job eating it!

When I got to the cabin, neatly tucked to the side of my bedroom night stand was this beautiful collection...  In one of the weeks I wasn't at the cabin, Jim found this for me, knowing I would love it.  I'm one of these old ladies that always keeps a hankie in my pocket, so he knew I would love this...  so pretty... He won't tell me where he got it from, and it's driving me crazy...  grrrr.  Thanks to Jim for being such a sweet heart... I think I'll keep him...

I told Jim that I love the idea of an old lady, with a delicate little hanky poked up her sleeve... They are so delicate and beautiful... Can you tell I'm a fan?

It just hit me... I think Jim bought me this beautiful little hanky art to sit on my end table, to make up for the big a$$ed fish he has over the bed....  I knew there had to be a reason....  Giggle.

We are having the rock guy show up in October to set the ceramic in the bathroom, so we did a final inventory on tile that we would need... Found out, we were 12 pieces short!  So, I went online to buy extra, and yep... not only are they out of stock, but discontinued.  I searched Lowe's all over Utah, Nevada and California, and finally found ONE store who had a few pieces left over, so I bought them... Thank goodness.... We are having them shipped in this week.  

And, Monday, Jim called the inspector about getting a one room insulation inspection so that the rock guy can come and install the tile... The inspector came out on Monday and passed the insulation inspection in the bathroom, so, now we have to get sheetrock up before the ceramic tile guy comes...  It's so difficult to get subs to come do work, we didn't want to lose our opportunity and have to send him away... So, now, it looks like it's a go!  The ceramics guy is the same person that did our rock hearth!

Hockey season is underway again.  We got this picture of our Ben who lives in Alaska.  He is wearing Jim's 1963ish hockey jersey from New Toronto....just a few years ago!  Makes us smile and warms hearts... I think this is going to be the last year any of our 4 grandkids will be wearing the jersey...(I'll have to get him a Leaf's practice jersey to wear!)... I can't believe Jim used to be this small... but, sure he was definitely this cute!

And, hockey is HARD work!!!  Just ask our Ben!

And, my blog book from last year is finally completed and printed... and added to the rest of the collection.  I didn't think this blog was going to go on for so many years, but really am glad we have a record of all the ups and downs...  Smart idea for anybody with such a project....

With that, the adventure continues...
Love, Jim and Cheri

"When you marry, you marry the whole person - not just the parts above the waterline.  You get both the silk, sails and the barnacles...."


  1. 'But I love the air powered staple gun!' you'll shoot your eye out.

  2. Hey!! It's not a Red Ryder BB gun!... Giggle.
