Monday, May 6, 2024

Closer, Closer, Closer.....

Well, my dear sweet husband has made it through three separate surgeries in the span of one month.. it hasn't been easy, but he's been a trooper... The last surgery was this past Thursday, orthopedic, and even though he was trying to figure out how to avoid going under the knife, when it was all said and done, he is glad he had it done.  He's feeling a whole lot better and the pain he has been suffering from, for the last year or so, has been relieved.  He has to wear a brace for the next 4 weeks and then physical therapy, but, he's feeling so much better.  This picture was taken before the 3rd surgery, but it seems like his shirt conveyed his feelings about life perfectly...

I cooked Jim a special breakfast on Sunday - that was the first day he actually felt like eating something... so, it was a plateful and a bit, but he said it tasted amazing. I don't know if it was because he hadn't eaten very much in the proceeding days, or it actually tasted good.  In either case, he's on the mend... Food is a celebration and I am celebrating my Jim.

and, this is what his t-shirt actually said....  Giggle.  I saw this graphic and couldn't resist..

Jim bought me a couple of knives for my brand new cabin kitchen...  He found these knives and I love the set... they are intricately carved and just look beautiful.  I think they will be an amazing addition to the kitchen.

We were out and about a couple of weekends ago, and we found this siding.. the price was incredible, so we bought 25 cases.  This siding is going to go on my glass studio below where the cabin actually is.  I have always wanted a studio - I've been working on the kitchen table at three different houses, so this will be an amazing treat.  It's a couple of shades different than the cabin, but I think it's going to be amazing.  This picture looks like it is almost a grey, but it's actually a brown..

Jim pulled this picture off the security camera that is above the balcony.  I was concerned that my little table and chairs was going to blow off.. But, as you can see, they survived the winter nicely.  And, you can see that the snow is finally melting!

We have cameras all around the cabin with motion detectors...  Every once in a while we see Ben entering, or we see snow blowing that sets the detectors off... Then, every couple of months, we see something completely different.  Jim showed me one of the cameras yesterday, that showed a big spider walking across the camera...  It's probably a tiny little spider, but on the camera, it looks huge...  Totally freaks me out.  Giggle.

He must have been out for the midnight air...

We were driving down south this weekend, and we stopped in Beaver, Utah to take a potty break... on the way out of the store, I wanted to take Jim's picture in front of the beaver carving...  he obliged... and then....

...two young men walked up and said they wanted to have their pictures taken with Jim also.. We didn't have a clue who they were... But, we took the picture and here they are.  We don't know their names, or anything about them, but, they were nice... that's about it.. Made me giggle.

Every time we take a trip, it seems our van is packed to the gills... And, again, this was the case.  This time, between the two front seats, was the stair railings for the cabin.  It went from the very back, to the front windshield!

The rest of the van was packed with siding... 

...lots and lots of siding.... and a warm jacket or two!

Jim was at Habitat this past week, and the manager, Kyle, said he had something for me.  He went back to his office and came out with this doormat.  I thought it was appropriate, and very nice.

And, if you have been following... you probably have figured out that we made it to the cabin on Saturday.  We have been following the weather reports and even though it was a little rainy on Friday, the roads were dry enough to get up the mountain by the time we got there on Saturday afternoon.  Ben and his daughter helped us unload the van as Jim isn't quite healed from his surgery and we so appreciate their willingness to help...

All the "stuff" from the deck is in the living room right now.. such as the deck chairs and the planters and the umbrella.. But, I think there is not going to be any more snow, so those items should be making an appearance back on the deck soon.  I'm not quite sure when we are going to go back - That's a question for Jim's shoulder to answer.

I found this on the counter in the kitchen.. Apparently, someone left an unopened can of pop (soda) on the counter last fall and it exploded when the temperature went below 32 degrees... Kinda a mess...  But, manageable.

With that, our adventure continues, and we are waiting for the next trip!

Love, Jim and Cheri

"You can't create chaos in the lives of others and expect peace to come to yours."

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