Monday, April 15, 2024

Hurrah!! The snow is starting to melt!!!

Well, the month of March is about to end, and guess what.... it snowed at the cabin again...  I must admit, the pictures are really pretty, but it's the cold that gets me!  I mean, seriously, this is really pretty.

Just looks so freakin' cold....

We are starting to make plans for the summer, and Jim had an interesting conversation with a company we are going to purchase materials from.  He was calling around to get bids for the tongue and groove knotty pine 1X6's for the ceiling in the great room and the loft.  He gave the person on the phone the information they needed to complete the quote and  30 minutes after the phone conversation, he got the quote in his email.  It started with...:  "12' lengths of Naughty Pine"...  Giggle.  I wonder what exactly this pine did to get the naughty designation.  But, I can assure you, every time I look at that ceiling, I am going to giggle and think... you're naughty!!  Giggle.

I personally don't think it looks that naughty... but, I guess you never know.  Just in case you didn't know, this is what tongue and groove looks like...  (Jim and I were talking about potentially what the pine had done, and I figured it could be made into paddles....  ok, I'm not going there....) Knotty pine is actually a hybrid soft wood - Norway Pine and White Pine.. which causes the excessive branches on the tree and knots.  Maybe we've got a Hatfield and McCoy's situation here that determines that they are naughty...  Giggle.

Jim and I celebrated out 17th anniversary at the end of March... We had such a fun weekend...  we had an amazing dinner at Market Street Grill in  downtown Salt Lake, and just had fun... It was a cold and rainy weekend, and I am so glad that on the actual day we got married at Sundance, it was a beautiful day.  The whole weekend ended with us going over to the Olympic fountain at the Gateway, and having pictures of our bricks taken with our feet!  It always cracks me up to have this done... For as long as Jim and I have been married, he's always worn the same types of shoes... Me, on the other hand, I have worn a plethora of crazy crocs... This year, it's Canadian maple leafs!!  Still love that man something stupid and wouldn't have given up the last 17 years for anything.  I am glad he puts up with my nonsense...  My goodness, it's gone so quickly... he makes me laugh and smile and scratch my head on a regular basis.... Couldn't love this nutcase more.... So much has changed in 17 years... marriages, grandkids, cabin, leaving old jobs, getting new jobs, happy times and sad times and such an adventure.  I don't think I could have predicted all that has happened.  Here's to the next 17 years!

We were thinking about starting the work on the grotto (outside shower) this summer and I found these premade rock panels at Home Depot.  We were going to set individual rocks for the floor of the shower, but I was concerned how uneven the different rocks would make the floor, so when I found this, we've decided we are going to pour the concrete and set these stones into it - that way, it'll be level and easier on the feet.  I think this is going to save us a whole lot of time and trouble.

Our dear neighbours took a ride up Crestline to our cabin this past week and took some pictures.. We are chomping at the bit waiting to get up there, but I think, after looking at these pictures, we have a little more time to wait... grrrrr...  But, you can actually see a little bit of dirt now.

This next picture is the actual road going to the cabin.... you can see dirt, but it's WET dirt... ie:  mud...

Here's a picture from the deck... still too much freakin' snow!!!

We bought the fan and light for the downstairs bathroom this past week.  There is no window in that bathroom, so we figured putting a fan in there was a pretty good idea.. Nuff said...and it meets code.

We are continuing purchasing the insulation, and a couple of other things, little by little... This week we learned that you can not put more than three bales of insulation and a couple of storage boxes in the back of my Kia... go figure... Seems it doesn't hold as much as the Silverado or the Van... Giggle...

And, I've started buying the ceramic trim for the loft bathroom... It is going to be in white squares ceramic, with an accent piece in the middle of the wall and Alaska Grey circles, and these trim tiles with go on each side of the Alaska grey... I am going to remove some of the circles and replace them with a green coloured tile - the vessel sink in that bathroom has a green tint to it as does the countertop , so I am hoping these little green circles will tie the whole room together.

Here's my Alaska grey marble...I really like it.

And, the weather is constantly changing... This is pictures of the road just this past weekend...  The temperatures are in the 60's, but in the evening and overnight, they are plunging to be in the 30's... So, it's a little too cold to go down and work still, and the roads are a little mucky... so, we're got a couple more weeks to wait.

Our friend and neighbour, Kelly, took some pictures of our cabin on Sunday, and it looks like with the high winds we are having, the snow is really beginning to melt.

We have cameras all around the cabin, but it's so nice having someone who lives close by, give us actual updates..

Here's the hill that runs beside our cabin...  It's still a little muddy and snowy, but, is no longer completely snow covered...

Jim has had a pretty rough week - he had oral surgery on Thursday and will be having orthopedic surgery this coming Thursday... so, he's been feeling kind of poorly - been in a lot of pain.  Sunday night, we got this picture from our Brea in Alaska.. She is wearing one of the "Jim Streeter Racing" sweatshirts and this truly lifted his spirits.  Her smile just can't be beat!   Such a sweetie. (I sent the sweatshirt to her a couple of months ago, and it sparked all kinds of conversation...Like, "Papa used to be a racecar driver???"  Giggle.

So, there's the update.  When we start going down to work on the weekends, there will be more to report on... But, for now, with hockey season over, our conversations are limited...

With that, the adventure continues...  Love, Jim and Cheri

"Self-love is a radical act of courage."

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