Monday, June 25, 2012

In the Beginning.....

I started a new phase in my life, and it's turned out very differently than I anticipated.  My mother, Annie, was put in an assisted living center several months ago.  Her health was failing, and she needed the extra attention that only a trained professional could offer.  I started calling her a couple of times a week, but soon realized that I needed to make the calls, shorter, and considerably more frequent.  So, I now call her every evening at about 9:00 pm her time (7:00 pm my time) and we do a little tucking in.  My calls are short and sweet, but we both remember what we did during the day, and it seems to work for both of us! 

Several weeks ago, I was telling her about our newest project, which is building a cabin in Bryce Woodlands, in southern Utah.  And her comment was, "YOU HAVE THE MOST INTERESTING LIFE!" 

I didn't think I had the most interesting life, but she has so enjoyed hearing about all the things that we are doing.  Took her back many years ago, when she and my dad were building their first home in Port Credit, Ontario, Canada and then their 2nd home in Brampton.  She advised me to keep a record of everything that we were doing, that some day, we would look back and enjoy reliving those memories.   She reminded me about an incident, several years ago when we went to revisit the different houses that we had lived in.  The first house my dad built is still standing. We visited briefly with the owners and the gentleman said that the original building permit is still stapled to a 2 x 4 in the basement.  He said the name was "Kenneth Sprickerhoff" which was my father.  Made us smile just to know that this little part of our family history was still intact.

So, here goes with our blog.  I'm going to have to go back and recreate some of the events of the past several months, and then update when something new happens.

So, this is the beginning of our story... Jim's and my story...



  1. OK, so Cheri says I can add my two cents worth. From time to time I'll add a bit to the story.

    When we started talking about a cabin in the mountains, I was thinking a basic cabin, small with a bathroom, small kitchen, beautiful wood clad walls and ceiling living room with a sliding door onto a deck, a few windows on the end wall where I could sleep on a mattress and wake up to a sunrise!

    Being a wise enough man to listen to my better half, we are now designing a little bit bigger cabin with a woman's touch here and there. ie. mooses et al.

    One of our goals is to be as "green" as possible. I am just learning how green I can be and Cheri is teaching me volumes. She is amazingly creative and we both are flexible with the design, including mooses.
