Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why, Why, Why

Over the last couple of months, questions have been asked... Here's some answers:

1.  Why do we want to build a cabin?  I guess it's a little complicated answer.  Jim and I want a get away place, and I think this is far enough away from home that it is easily accessible, but still gives us a lot of privacy.  My number one reason is.. Family.  I want the family to have a place to get to and stay that is not expensive, but can give each of them an element of peace and relaxation.  I live for my husband and my family.  Look at the picture - this is the most amazing group of people I know....

2.  Why "Manzanita"?  We were thinking of what to call our cabin, and when we saw the cool manzanita trees on the property, we knew what it needed to be called.  I think Jim liked the name because Manzanita used to be a mud racing track in Arizona that he liked... It's closed now, but the name is still really cool.  I personally liked the name "For Play"....that was my suggestion - Jim used his powers of veto and nixed that one.

3.  Why go Green?  We don't want to owe anybody when this project is completed.  We have decided to use and reuse a lot of the items going into construction, and I know Jim is going to expound on this issue in a little bit.  But, we've come to know Deseret Industries, Habitat for Humanity and several other reuseable product companies well.  We are living in a very tight economy, and using and reusing what's available is environmentally as well as economically friendly.  It may take us a little longer to finish construction, but, it's the journey that's the most fun.


1 comment:

  1. Ok... Jim tells me, it's Manzanita was not a mud racing track... it was a dirt racing track... But, I am perfectly justified in thinking it was a mud track... when we got there, all these people had umbrellas which I thought was really strange on a clear Arizona summer night. The first time the cars went around our corner, I knew why the umbrellas... I was covered in dirt.. my beautiful WHITE blouse was covered in dirt... Sorry, Jim...
