Monday, June 25, 2012

A Year Ago.....

Jim and I started looking for property about a year ago.  We decided that we wanted to have a place in Southern Utah, but really didn't know where.  Jim contacted a Realtor - his name was Jon C.... let's leave it at that.  This guy talks repeatedly with Jim and we make the decision to drive down on a Saturday (it's about 2.5 hours away), meet with this guy and look at property.  He drives us all over Hell's Half Acre and shows us the most proposterous properties on the face of the earth...  Not to mention, we were in his truck - this big massive, lift kitted, red neck outfit - this fat chick all but had to pole vault to get into it.  It's when Jim asked me if he could help hoist me into the truck, I knew it was bad!  The only properties this twit would show us, was properties he had listed.  Get this, one of the properties, had a stream running through it - and it was only a 1/2 acre lot.  I guess we could have built a cabin with a mote, but, that's not quite what I had in mind.  He shows us one property that was really quite nice, but it wasn't really big enough.  Jim really liked it, Cheri wanted MORE. Then there was this other piece of property - Jim wasn't really keen on it, Cheri really liked it!  We discussed it over the drive home and decide to give Jon Twit a call and write up a contract.  Getting a hold of this guy was like pulling teeth.  When we finally get a hold of him, we tell him what we wanted and then wait, and wait, and wait.  He finally sends us the contract, and I don't know why I expected it to be correct, because it wasn't.  We call the guy, tell him what the problem is, and he "fixes" the problem and resends..  Now, exactly why did we call this guy in the first place....? Still wrong.  He finally gets the contract right, sends it to the owner, and the owner doesn't like the terms.  We wanted to put 50% of the cash down NOW, have the survey done, and the perc test done, and then pay the remaining 50%.  I turns out that the realtor doesn't tell the owner the whole story.  When the owner finally gets the whole story, he agrees, BUT, something interesting has happened..... it snowed.  Because it snowed, the perc test can't be done until springtime.  BUT, the realtor thinks that we should just buy the property and take out chances with the perc test.  This man is truly insane.....  If it doesn't pass the perc test, we are stuck with a piece of property that we can't put a septic system in....  Sorry, but my idea of roughing it is the Marriot with the window open, not a cabin with an outhouse in the back yard!  We walk away from the deal, convinced that we will wait until spring, and NOT use Jon Twit again...  Soooo disappointing.

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