Saturday, September 28, 2013


Jim came home from work on Thursday and told me that he is going to make assignments for the cabin... My assignment was to get everything together to get the building permit...(He said that because I loved making lists and stuff, this would be right up my alley...)  so, Friday was filled with getting the actual application for the building permit from Kane County, getting the paperwork to join 2 of the 3 lots together, getting the paperwork that Jim needs to complete the Perc test and get the application for the septic system from the Kane County Health Department!  Jim's assignment was to find a soils engineer for another test that needs to be done.

Well, it took some doing, but I found out where to get all the information... These people don't see very willing to depart information... took a whole lot of telephone calls and e-mails, but finally got it.

We got the final plans from the stupid engineer that was stamping off our plans... I don't know who I dislike more... the architect or the engineer...  They make the mistakes and then want to make it look like it's our fault... I mean really... who puts a pole in the middle of the garage?   Apparently, the stupid architect thinks this is normal...  Bloodsuckers... that's the only word I have for them...

The only good thing about the architect is that he actually sent PDF copies of our plans.... that's AFTER he charged us $125.00 for a papercopy... which we didn't want...  didn't get the lot layout from him that he said was in the package deal...He said when we picked up the plans that if we wanted the layout from him, it would cost us another $150.00.... But, I am so done with him... Jim and I think we can do the layout ourselves...

So, I have all my files set up for all the different forms and such that I need...  I love doing this kind of stuff...


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