Monday, September 8, 2014


Such a busy weekend!

Jim and I had specific goals set out before we even got to the property.  His goal was to set the power pole so that Garkane power can run the power to it!

My goal was to keep cleaning the property of all that stupid Manzanita and scrub oak that seems to be multiplying every time we go there!

Both of us achieved out goals!

We found that the best thing to do was to buy a trailer and start hauling all that crap out of there....You can't even imagine how long it takes to load the trailer with all trees and bushes...The property is not level, so every step back to the trailer is uphill... exhausting!

At the end of it, I was really pleased!  I looked really bad, but it was such an accomplishment.  Now, brace yourself with the next photo.......  Just remember how I felt when I realized what I looked like, AFTER I had dinner in a restaurant and was out in public....  And, last night in the shower, I realized I had a stick in my hair on top of it all.... I guess, if you can't laugh at yourself.... ya ya ya...

Jim's job was to install the power pole....  Had had to first of all dig a hole, then level the power pole and then fill the hole in with dirt.  But, again, that stupid Manzanita was interfering with our plan.  Jim was using the backhoe to dig the hole, and just kept digging up more and more manzanita roots... I hate that stuff...

And, as you can see, at the end of the day, we had a power pole set!

And, before we left, the backhoe and Beluga are back in their proper places!

Here's a couple of pictures of the inside of the motor home as it is now.... It's very, very comfortable and we're enjoying it....

Jim keeps telling me that it's the journey, not the destination.  This journey is amazing.


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