Sunday, September 21, 2014


My dream for part of the decorating of the cabin was to make stepping stones that were imprinted with leaves or branches from different places that Jim and I have been over the years.  I've been collecting succulents and freezing them until I could get to the point of making a stepping stone with them.

Well, today, we made the Rand Stone.  This is our first stepping stone for the cabin.  I know, in time, our technique is going to change a little bit, but, we are quite proud with what we've done today!

This is Rand's sunflower that grew in his backyard.  After his mum and dad helped him harvest it, his mum brought it to me to be set in cement.

We let it dry out a little bit and the cut the stem off so that it will fit flush in the mould that Jim made.

Here's the base of the mould. Jim put screws in a circle so it would hold the form from moving around.

We put the sunflower inside the form and screwed it down to the board that it wouldn't shift when the cement was poured on top.

Here's the sunflower just before being covered with cement.

It's now going to take a couple of days to dry, and then we peel off the form, and we have a stepping stone with an inverted imprint of Rand's sunflower.

Here's to the beginning of beautiful stepping stones.  Thanks to Rand for sharing his sunflower with us!


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