Sunday, October 23, 2016


When we left off last Thursday, our Health Department permit was approved and they were going to send it over to the Kane County Building Permit people..

On Friday morning, while we were waiting on our 6th grandchild to make an appearance, we got a call from the Building Permit people, telling us that we sent in the wrong amount of money.  I had calculated the cost of the building permit from what they had put on the paperwork.. BUT, the lady who called said that they have additional one time only fees that they don't publish... Usually, people send in all the paperwork, and then wait for the application to be approved, and then get a total... Well, we jumped the gun a little bit, sent in what we thought was the right amount... woops...  Well, we owed an additional $750.00 or so.  I told the lady that I would drop it in the mail.

Before I hung up, I asked her about how long it would take for the application to be approved, and she said, "It already is."  WHAT?  Several people had told us that these building permits usually take a couple of months, and several revisions.  Ours passed on the first go!  Stoked!

Well, the new grand baby was born on Friday night, and two little people moved in with us for the next four days... It's a little difficult to get down to the cabin and entertain children so, I opted to stay home and Jim drove down to the cabin early Saturday morning.  Now that we have a building permit, his goal was to get the pipes mapped out, trenches dug and pipes laid so as to not hold up the concrete people.  Jim's friend Marv came down and helped us, even though he was sick with the flu.  Does this look like fun?  NOT!

Well by the end of the weekend all the trenches were dug and the pipes were laid.

With a view like this it's hard to concentrate on the job at hand.  Jim and Marv installed 140 feet of underground pipe and the backhoe got a serious workout this weekend.

Because the trip was planned at the last minute, Jim had to stay in a hotel that was not our regular haunt.  He sent me this photo of the light fixture in the bathroom.

Another weekend adventure and the quest goes on. . . .

Jim & Cheri

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