Thursday, October 20, 2016


Late last week, we completed the paperwork for the building permit and the health department application for a septic system... Actually, the health department application is a part of the building permit, but it includes the design for the septic system, the perc test, and a soils report.  We sent everything into the Utah State Health Department and Kane County Building Permit dept. and have been waiting for their approvals.

When Jim called earlier in the week making sure everybody had received their various applications, the lady at the Health Department said that the man who approves the applications, usually only comes in on Wednesdays... If applications come in before then, she scans them and send them to him so he can have a peek before the Wednesday.  She told Jim that ours was, "big, really lots of details and big", so she couldn't send it to him.  Jim said that he was an engineer and worked with detail all day at work.  She said she understood, but still wouldn't scan and send it.

While that was going on, we had our contractor finish the temporary power meter base installation and before the power can be switched on, we had to have an inspection completed by the Kane County Building inspection people.  Well, they came out this afternoon, and we passed!!!  We called GarKane Power, and we are setting up a time where they can go out and flip the switch.  That means, when we go down to the property, we will actually have lights and heat in the RV and not have to rely on a generator - which is super, super loud!

Then, Jim got a call from the Health Department this afternoon.  Our septic system application with them was also approved!  They are faxing over their certificate to the Building Permit people, which will totally complete that application.  When the application is approved, we can pour concrete for the basement!

When the man from the Health Department called Jim, he told him that he had never seen such a detailed, in depth report before.  Jim told him that he was an engineer and worked in aerospace, so this is to par.  The man was highly impressed.  It was really an impressive report.... but, it was long.. and had pictures... lots of pictures.  Giggle.  But hey it all passed, first time through!

Tomorrow, the forms for the concrete go up, and the plumber is supposed to be there on Friday and Saturday laying out the pipes that go iunder the concrete before they pour.

It's getting so exciting...

It's been an amazing adventure this week and we weren't even there to take pictures.

Cheri and Jim

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