Sunday, October 30, 2016


Well, this was an exciting weekend at Manzanita.

It didn't start particularly well, but ended with a bang!.

Friday was Brianne's birthday, and we attended her birthday party in Salt Lake City.  Love that kid like crazy and wouldn't have missed her day for the world.  The only problem was, we had to be at the property at 8:00 am for the Travis, the backhoe operator to show up and dig the driveway for the Conex to be put down this week.

So, we left Salt Lake at about 9:00 pm, drove back to Provo, (9:45 pm) got the rest of the stuff in the back of the pick up and attached the trailer, got gas in the truck and bought drinks for the drive, (10:30 pm) and got on the road...  Jim drove for about as long as he could, but getting up at 5:15 in the morning, and then working all day, finally got to him about midnight and we pulled over so he could nap..  I took over the driving and we pulled into the hotel at about 2 in the morning...  Our alarm rang about 7, and I just couldn't pull myself out of bed.  Jim got up and drove over to the property, and at 7 minutes after 8, he got a text from our contractor saying that he couldn't make it at 8 and could we reschedule at noon...  really?

Jim worked for a couple of hours flattening out the pad where the shed is going and getting the area ready for a Conex Box..

Well, I slept for a couple more hours and at about 11, Jim comes back to the hotel, and has exciting news.... the electricity has been installed and... turned on!  Exciting beyond measure.

We met with the contractor at 12, and had a little pow wow.. and he said that he was not going to work on the Saturday, but he was going to send his backhoe operator on Sunday to put the driveway in.  We call it Conex Drive now!

We got the plumbing ready for the pressure test on Monday.  This entailed climbing up a ladder, and pouring water into the pipes, and hoping and praying that it doesn't leak.  The pipe that you pour the water into, is 10 feet in the air, and it holds about 25 gallons of water.  Now, picture yourself, climbing up a ladder and balancing a big jug of water, and then holding it above your head and pouring into a 2 inch tube...Well, that's what Jim did...  We let it sit over night because all the air has to be out of the system, so once you pour the water in, it bubbles and burps for a while. 

In the morning, we got back to the property, after we actually had a decent night's sleep, and met with Austin who was there to dig the driveway.  Well, it took him about 3 hours to dig it out and we were thrilled.  This guy does amazing work and we have absolutely no complaints when he comes to work.  he brought a friend with him this time, and the friend went around with a chainsaw and cut up downed trees and cut them up for firewood... Apparently, Austin and Chet (the friend) were going to go to another mountain for firewood this afternoon.  After he cut all the downed trees around our property, it almost totally filled the back of the pickup and there was no need to go to another place today.  We were excited to get rid of the wood!

Jim went back to work on the water pipe at about noon.  He put more water into the piping, and apparently as the ten foot tall stand pipe was filled pressure in the system blew the cap off one of the lower pipes.  We checked it out, and found that the cap was poorly made and needed to be replaced so we had to make a quick trip to Duck Creek where there is a local True Value store is.

As we are pulling up to the store, Jim tells me that the last time he was at the store, there was this dog sitting in the front of the store... doesn't move, in fact, Jim thought the dog was a statue when he first pulled up.  Well, we pull up to the store, and sure enough, there's this dog sitting there, and he does look like a statue.  We found out his name is Blue, and he's kind of a local celebrity.  Everybody walking in and out of the store does the, "Hi, Blue".. and give him a pat.  Seems like a pleasant enough statue...  I'm not particularly a dog lover, so I always am a little nervous that I'm going to get bit... I don't think this dog has the energy...

We got back to the lot, Austin was just finishing up Conex Drive, Chet was loading the wood, and we were about to put the cap back on the water pipe.

But, let's get back to "It Was Bound to Happen.. sooner or later".  We had our first accident at the property.
On Saturday when Jim got down off the ladder, he was coming back to the truck and we were going to go back into town for dinner.  As he was approaching the truck, he lost his footing fell down and slid almost under the truck - hurting his already bad knee and his back.  I couldn't get out of the truck fast enough, and didn't have the strength to help him up.... Yep nurse Cheri, I'm not.  He was in a lot of pain, and was sweating profusely.... I told him that I was going to take him to the hospital, and he refused.  I sincerely thought he had broken a rib or something, he said his lung was hurting.  He is still in pain today, and hopefully, he'll let me get him into the doctor's on Monday.  Gave him some Motrin this afternoon because he was still in major pain, said his knee hurts the most now.  We have really bad cell service up the mountain and it hit me that if he needed an ambulance or something, there would be no way to get a hold of anyone.  So, this afternoon, I had my ipad with me, and I tried Facetime.. and guess what?  We works!  We don't have cell service, but we have Facetime!  Amazing.  I'll keep you updated on the prognosis.

Another moment of discovery this weekend.... kinda dumb, but made me giggle... When I was getting dressed on Saturday morning, I was trying to decide whether I should wear pearl earrings, or jade earrings, or something a little more rustic... as I was thinking about this, it hit me... I'm going out to work in dirt, in the middle of no where, in the cold, with deer and mice running around - who really cares what freakin' earrings I wear?  I mean, isn't this about the stupidest ever?  Giggle.  (Ok, I wore the jade...)

As always, another amazing adventure.

Cheri & Jim

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