Sunday, April 9, 2017


As our weekly Manzanita post begins, let me say... we are glad to be alive.

We decided to make a trip down to Manzanita to first of all, see what the conditions are like and see if we can actually get up to the property yet, and if not, drop off a load of supplies into storage in Panguitch.

We got a late start on Saturday afternoon... we couldn't find asphalt emulsion anywhere.. We went to Home Depot in Provo and they didn't have any...  so, we called Home Depot in Lindon, and they had some, so we had to backtrack to Lindon to pick it up...  I have been checking the weather report for Alton all week, and it said that we were going to have a little rain on Saturday morning, but it would clear up by noon, and Sunday was going to be 50 degrees and sunny... So, we figured, we had a good chance to get up to the property on the mountain.

So, we set off driving, and get about 20 miles north of Beaver, when it started to snow... just a little bit.. by the time we got to Beaver, the snow was so we couldn't see 50 feet in front of the truck, so we followed an 18 wheeler.  But, the snow stopped while we were at a gas stop in Beaver, so we figured we were in good shape to go on...  No luck..(When Jim came out of the gas stop, he had a bag of chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies with him.. I asked him if he needed a snack and he said that if he was going to die in a snowstorm, he was going to go down with cookies....  giggle)

 We got back on the road, and the snow started again, to the point that we were following another 18 wheeler because the visibility was just about nil.. Our headlights froze over and we were driving maybe 20 miles an hour on I-15...for 20 miles...  We thought that it might be a little bit better when we got to the Panguitch cut off.. and nope.... got worse.. The big problem here was.. mountains. We had to drive on a couple of mountain passes to get to Panguitch (Hwy 20).. and it was terrifying...couldn't see a thing, and because you're on the top of a mountain, there is absolutely no place to pull over.  When we could see the embankment on the right side of the road, we knew we were getting too close to the side, and when we heard the tire hit the bump, bump, bump divots in the road, we knew we had crossed the center line....anxiety and panic was intense..

When we finally got into Panguitch, it was freezing cold, but totally clear... we were like, what?  The snow stopped 5 miles north of Panguitch.  It took us seven hours to do a normally three hour drive.

Got up this morning, had breakfast, and decided to try to make it up the mountain to the cabin site... After last week with all the mud and water, I figured there was no way we would make it up there... But, we brought a four wheeler with us - with the key this time!, so I figured, it nothing else, we could four wheeler up..

And, guess what... the road were clear and dry... We drove the truck and trailer right up to the property.

Our job for today was to paint the asphalt emulsion on the side of the walls that were put up last year.  The back fill dirt is going to fill in up to these walls, so they have to have the waterproofing on them.. We have not been to the property since the walls were poured... the pictures we got last year were from the neighbor, so it was totally exciting to see actual walls!

We got the two walls painted with the goop as planned... it's truly nasty stuff...

Jim did the majority of the work because my knee isn't quite in any condition yet to be standing for very long...but, I did my best and then Jim took over... I wore gloves because that black stuff sticks and stains like crazy... The black walls don't show up very well on the south side pictures.

Jim did the he-man number and didn't wear gloves...

This is after he washed his hands... but, couldn't get the goop off his wedding band... should I be concerned?  Na. . .

The weather up the mountain was perfect for this job... was sunny, and mild...  It was nice just doing a little work with Jim.. just the two of us.. working on a project... I liked it...

Making memories - another amazing adventure.

Jim and Cheri

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