Saturday, April 1, 2017


Well, it was our anniversary this week, so we decided to kill two birds with one stone... We have a trailer that we left on the property, and we needed to get it back to Provo, so we could take a glulam beam back next time... This beam has been sitting in my driveway for the past couple of years...With the framing of the cabin about to start, it's kinda important this support beam shows up.  So, it's time..

We left on Friday night, and spent the night at Panguitch House, in... you guessed it.. Panguitch...  Lovely little B&B... Middle of the night, Jim wasn't feeling really well, so we skipped breakfast..

We drove the truck down to Panguitch with one of the four wheelers in the back.. The plan was, to drive the truck as far up to the property as possible, and then use the four wheel drive, four wheeler to drive the rest of the way up, pull the trailer down to the truck, hitch it up, and then drive home.

Well.... in the middle of the night, Jim wakes up, (about 3 in the morning) and asks me if the keys to the four wheeler were in the truck... I told him that I put the keys to the four wheeler in the key box... in the house... in the hallway .... in Provo...  uhuh... we forgot the keys at home.

Well, I was a little on the frustrated side of life... But, we decided to take a drive up the mountain to see what the roads were like, and if our truck would make it through whatever snow and mud was there..

We got about 2 blocks from the cabin, and  were overrun with mud... and there was no way that we could make it any further.  We had no option but to turn back.

Before getting back on the road, we stopped at a little convenience store not far away.  I guess the cashier lady figured that I was a little ticked, and she asked me if I was ok... I told her the issue, and she said that her mother and step father lived in the same area, and she would call them..  Ten minutes later, we were meeting her step father, Wes at the turn-around point, and he drove Jim up to the property, and were hauling the trailer out!  It was fantastic!  Problem solved.

On the way out of town, we stopped to get some gas in the four wheeler, and the truck, and up pulled to the gas pumps and a couple of guys.. and all we could see were these huge paws in the back of their pick up truck... If this was a deer, it was the strangest looking deer paws I'd ever seen...  Jim and I are sitting there, staring at this thing, and realize that it had these HUGE paws...It was no deer... it was a cougar...I walked up to check it out, and this guy was meeting with the DNR official having a little convo about the tags .. I don't think I've ever seen a cougar up close and personal before.. I was talking to this guy, and I told him where our cabin was... apparently, this cougar's home wasn't too far away...  uhuh... he asked if we had a cat or a dog.. I told him we had a cat, and he advised not to let the cat out at night...  He said that a dog will bark and scare the cougars (cougars???) away, but the two cats will just have a hissing contest, and in the end our cat will be the loser...I knew there were deer and elk and coyotes and stuff like that up there... never thought about cougars... and we're not talking BYU!

I sent a copy of this picture to Brad... he said he was going to show the girls, but he knew the girls would ask if the cougar was sleeping...  um...well... not really?  He was just having a bad day.

I've made friends with a lady in Panguitch who sells fresh eggs... they're amazing...  stopped by her place on the way through, and picked up 4 flats of eggs for the kids, and still made it home in great time.

Was a quick weekend, and another amazing adventure.

Jim and Cheri..

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