Sunday, July 16, 2017


As many of you know, my brother and his family came from Canada to visit... What an amazing time we have had.

Image may contain: 14 people, people smiling, people standing, tree and outdoor

This picture is from the first week.

Yesterday, Bart and Jackie, and TJ, Lesley and their girls came to our cabin property and spent the day with us.  Even with the heat, (mid 90's) we had a blast! (Driving up to the cabin on Friday night however, it was 49 degrees - not during the day...)

Jim and I left Provo at about 9:30 on Friday night so that we were there early in the morning.  We didn't get to the cabin until about 12:30/1:00 am... and then kind of fumbled around in the dark trying to get the RV plugged in... fun times.  With that done, we got into bed and had the alarm set for 8:00am... I had done a lot of dinner prep work the day before - I figured it would be less work when we got down south...  (unfortunately, with all my lists and double checking, I left the corn in the refrigerator in Provo... grrr).  Thus, we had to get up early on Saturday morning, and make a run into Panguitch to the grocery store for a few supplies...

With supplies bought, we raced off to Tod's Junction where we were meeting Bart and Jackie at 10:30...  we got there just as they were pulling up!  My brothers all think that I am chronically late for EVERYTHING, so this worked out perfectly... Bart was apologizing for being a little late... I didn't say anything, and then blabber mouth Jim spilled the beans and told him that we had just pulled up also...  (There are some things better left unsaid.. giggle).

We got over to the property and showed them around... I think they were impressed...I am pleased that SunRoc sent us....Canadian wood.

The 60 foot long ridge beam to go at the peak of the cabin.

It's such a beautiful area - we are so proud of it..We all went up to the top floor of the cabin and checked out the scenery.  Jackie stood on the edge of the cabin and said, "Everybody.. shhhhh... just listen"... and there was absolutely no sound... not even the sound of a breeze and I mean, nadda...  It was beautiful...  There was not a single car that came down any of the streets around us all day - was lovely and silent...  When the kids were out on the four wheelers, we could hear the roar of the engines, and we could tell where they were at, but that's about it for noise.

This is the view from my kitchen....

...and these are views from my living room!

After a little bit of a pit stop with four wheelers and batteries, Jim gave TJ and Bart a little lesson on how to start/drive our four wheelers, and off they went....  TJ went for a little test drive before putting one of the little girls on it with him - giggle...he did really well, got a little lost, (Jim went out and found him - he was only on the next road over) but did really well for the first time out....  Bart also did great, also got lost and TJ went out and found him... but, they had a fun time.(That's the advantage of everything being so quiet... you know where to look for misplaced people... giggle)  The little girls had a blast and wanted many rides with Dad and Grandpa.  Little Grace was not particularly happy when Mommy went for a ride with Dad...giggle.....But, she had several rides and she was thrilled.

Jim and TJ had a little "guy's ride" to the edge of Bryce Canyon... That means, you don't stay near the property and you go fast... Giggle...

While the guys were out four wheeling, Jackie got a lesson on how to run the backhoe - she did great!  We may not have conventional activities at our cabin, but they are fun... Jackie dug up some dirt and moved it around - she's a natural!  Sawyer, her grandson, will be so proud!

I wanted to make sure the family was fed before they went home.  They looked hungry.

I decided it would be the easiest to BBQ. We had steaks, shrimp, chicken and veggie kabobs, corn on the cob, green salad and bread.. I thought it would be something special to celebrate our first dinner party, first guests and family visiting...

I saw this shirt that Jim is wearing on line, and I thought it was appropriate... it says, "I am the husband of a Canadian woman... nothing scares me)....Giggle.

It really was something Jim and I were looking forward to.  Apart from food getting a little cold, it was a nice dinner, no one complained. . . and it all disappeared. We were a little short on chairs, so the cooler doubled as a seat for Grace and Eliza.  I don't think they minded.

We set up our table in the basement area of the cabin - actually, in the garage.. It was cool and shaded and really was a lovely little "linner" - wasn't quite dinner time, and was past lunch.. giggle.  We ate until we couldn't eat any more, and visited, and talked and had a fabulous visit... so glad they came.

The "fam" was having an experience with our RV.  As I've said before, the bathroom in the RV is about the smallest thing on the face of the earth, and I got Jackie to check it out... she concurs...The little girls were hesitant, but in a pinch, it works just fine!  AND, the RV has air conditioning!

I received the cutest message from Lesley this morning, and Jim and I laughed upon reading it...  was so sweet... Lesley writes: "Grace told me "I'm going to ask Santa for an RV for Christmas, and I'm going to write it in pen so no one can erase it!" 🙂".

All I can say is, start saving!  Giggle...  I told Lesley that if they buy an RV, their camping experiences are going to increase, OR, Grace will have an amazing playhouse in the driveway!  Giggle.

After dinner, thanks to Jackie, we got the clean up done.  Everyone had said they needed to leave our site early to get to SLC early evening...  didn't seem to happen...  The little girls wanted one more ride on the four wheelers, and TJ needed his turn with the backhoe...  giggle...

Jackie rocks on the backhoe...Jackie must think this is the ultimate gardening tool!  Come on Bart - buy her one!

I think running heavy equipment is a secret desire of everyone.  TJ moved the pile of dirt that Jackie had dug up.  Sorry, Jackie - you're going to have to come back and move the dirt back..

I think amazing memories were made yesterday - I know I sure have them...  love having family around.

Everyone left around 6-ish - I know - very late being that they had a 5 hour drive to SLC.  Hopefully, they got to SLC OK, and Bart and Jackie made their flight on time this morning!

Jim and I were going to pack everything up, and drive back to Provo - BUT, we decided to have a little nap...  here's where the beauty of the RV comes in - full sized bed...  we took a little nap and woke back up at about 7:30... much needed rest...  We packed everything into the pick up and the trailer that we were going to bring back to Provo... I was putting the bags of trash into the trailer - there's no garbage pick up at the cabin, so we have to take everything down the mountain and put it in a dumpster that Kane county provides... I was picking up the bags of trash, and noticed one of the bags was gnawed on...  and garbage and corn cobs and dinner scraps were all over the ground...  I was like, "What?"..

We couldn't figure out WHAT little creature got into the trash...But, they were truly enjoying their little dinner, as we napped.  They probably heard Jim's snoring, and ran away... jk... OK maybe me.

I went up top where the power pole is to unplug the power cord to the RV, and when I was coming back down, I saw movement in a little clearing...there was a coyote watching me... I think this was our garbage culprit - I think we interrupted his meal, and he was waiting for us to leave so he could continue his feast!

We were ready to leave site at about 9... and were driving down the mountain towards the dumpster - got to the dumpster and realized that there was not one single bag of trash in the trailer any longer... Apparently, one of the pins on the back of the trailer came out, and the back gate of the trailer was swinging back and forth, and our trash was... somewhere...  Jim got the trailer gate pinned back in, and we went back to pick up trash bags...  About a couple of thousand feet down the road, we started finding empty bottles and trash, and we were picking it up as we found it.....  As we were doing this, a family in a side by side came driving down the road...  and there, in the back of their vehicle was... our trash...  They said that they started finding bags of trash waaay up the mountain, and every thousand feet or so, there was another bag...  grrr...  thank goodness they found it, and picked them up... and we got our garbage back, it was pitch dark at this point, and it would have been a little difficult to find everything...  so, thank you, who ever you are!

We got back on the road at about 10:30... and pulled into Provo at 1:30... took a shower, went to bed, woke up at noon...

Amazing, amazing day...  thank you to family who took time out of their vacation schedule to spend time with us...They were all a part of our FIRSTS and I'm glad it was family who could share these moments with us...  we are happy and blessed.

Jim and Cheri

...amazing memories and another amazing adventure.

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