Sunday, July 30, 2017


It was an interesting week and weekend at the cabin lot...

We drove down on Saturday afternoon - got there a little on the late side of life, but that's ok... the drive was nice, and Jim and I visited all the way down.. You talk about all kinds of things on a 3 hour drive.  Like clouds.

We were pulling our trailer - every time we go to the cabin, we take a load of building or finishing materials with us.. This time is was doors and floor tile.  We pulled about 8 doors out of storage, and loaded them on Thursday night so we would be ready to go on Saturday morning. We also had the 25 boxes of brand new (plastic wrapped, in the box), floor tiles - we got them at a really smokin' price from Habitat Restore, so we bought enough to tile the bathroom, kitchen and dining room in the little apartment in the basement.  Each box weighed about 70+ pounds...  getting those babies into the conex was - stressful... and tiring...  We figured it was almost 2,000 lbs.

Had dinner in Panguitch - we were going to go to the "new" Gem Theatre, but they only now have sandwiches and we weren't really crazy about that menu.. So, we looked to go to the Cowboy BBQ, and they had a line up outside like crazy.. So, we go to the Big Fish - it was recently bought out and under new management, or so we thought, so we figured we would try it.. Well, it's not even open.  We ended up at one of our favourites, the C-Stop Pizza...  Great pizza!

We got to the property, in the dark, but that was ok, because we actually know where everything is now, and we can plug in the RV, and in no time, have lights.. A nice stress free evening...

Now, you have to understand the scenery... it's breathtakingly beautiful, during the day.. BUT, at night, it's just dark.  and, I mean, really dark and quiet.  No streetlights, no car lights, nadda.  We don't have satellite TV in the RV and all we have is the radio - Classy FM is the only decent station... and it's ok, but listening to that instrumental version of Anne Murray's songs doesn't really do it for me  . . . or Jim...

About 10:30 pm, we get into bed, and Jim instantly falls asleep. He turns on and off like a machine..  I am in bed now, about 4 hours before I usually go to bed, and I'm wide awake.  And, I mean, WIDE awake.

After 2 hours of staring at the ceiling, and listening to Jim's breathing, I start to hear raindrops on the roof of the RV - it's raining.  Of course, I have to wake up Jim to tell him that it's raining, And he asks "WHY?" and then he kind of acknowledges my words, and rolls over and goes back to sleep.

About 10 minutes into the rainstorm, I feel a splat on my forehead, and the roof of the RV is leaking.  So, I wake Jim up again, and we move our pillows to the other end of the bed, and put plastic on the foot of the queen sized bed so it doesn't ruin the sheets and the bed... and then all I hear is, "splat splat splat" with the rain hitting the plastic ...  groan..  needless to say, didn't have a really great night's sleep.

Jim got up at about 7:30 in the morning, and let me sleep until about 10:00 ...  thank goodness... and I woke up, again, listening to more stupid rain...   groan.. Jim's up in the garage sitting in an Adirondack chair just watching the view and waiting for the rain to stop, which it did after a few minutes.

But, I majorly digressed ... here we go about the cabin.  The main floor walls are going up, and we are told that everything will be covered in with the sheeting this week.

The main ridge beam is being hoisted up this week and we're told we have to get a crane to put it in place - it's huge, 60 feet long - and the big backhoe that is there, can't lift it..

The doors and the windows were framed in, and Jim is going to be designing the stairs from the basement to the main floor this week.  He wants to copy the open stairs that are at the hardware store in Duck Creek.  3X10 inch rough sawn, solid wood treads four feet wide.  Should look pretty cool.

We have a little buddy that I think wants to be a member of our household... and I'm not too crazy about it...  I don't know if it's a chipmunk or what it is - but, it's dug a little hole in the embankment beside the RV... Every time I go to the property, I try to block his doorway, and every time I come back, he's kicked it down... Giggle...  Hopefully, this is a chipmunk and not a skunk or something.  The hole is about 2 inches around.

The contractor moved his trailer on site, so we are expecting amazing things... I'm stoked.

And finally, we got a really cool picture from one of our neighbors today, Ron and Mary.  It looks like they climbed up Lion's Head peak and took a picture of our cabin construction today.  We're the wood colored splotch at the top of the road in the middle.

The adventure continues . . . .  Cheri and Jim

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