Monday, September 18, 2017

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

The Good: I finished the first stained glass panel this week - only took me about 6 months to complete.  It was really a difficult job physically and emotionally.  But, it got done!  Tonight I am going to start the soldering process, and then off to the glass shop to be insulated and framed.  This is the first of two pieces that will go into the main floor bathroom.

The Good:  Jim and I (mostly Jim) put the garage door put into the cabin.  While we were driving down on Saturday, I asked Jim if he knew how to install a garage door, and he said yes.  What he meant to say was, "Yes, I have an understanding of how to install a garage door".. What he didn't say was, "I've never done it before so I don't really know what I'm doing."  Well, now, we can say, we know how to install one.

The Bad:  Working with stained glass tends to cut your fingers to pieces.  Not only that, but when little shards of glass hit the floor, and you walk over them, you get said little shards of glass in your feet... Not good.

The Bad:  When installing the garage door, one panel had to be held up and I didn't have the strength to hold it with my arms...BUT, my head was just the right height.. So, I balance the door on top of my head.  After it crashed up and down on my head a couple of times, I realized, it wasn't a really good idea.

The Ugly:  Massive headache from garage door bouncing off my head...

The Good: Jim met Eric Brethauer Jr. on Sunday morning.  He is one of the family that owns the majority of the development.  Eric helps run the water company.

The Bad:  More importantly  it was Eric that shot the buckshot at the bears taking advantage of us last week.  Eric told Jim it was his brother that punched two of the bears on the nose while they were occupying the bed of his pick-up truck.  Eric says he is an adrenaline freak and now boasts knowing what a bear's nose feels like.

The Ugly:  Jim said he would have just shot the invading bears but he's never killed anything in his whole life.  I don't think he has it in him.  Jim now agrees.

The Good:  We bought and picked up this amazing refrigerator and decided to haul it down to the cabin.. It's a Kitchen Aid!

We were just going to store it downstairs at the cabin because we don't really have room at the house. This sucker us HUGE... and the panels on the doors are knotty pine, so, it'll fit into our decor perfectly.

The Bad:  The refrigerator was loaded onto our trailer by three guys and a forklift.  We didn't have that advantage when trying to unload it and one of the wheels was broken so it currently doesn't roll.

The Ugly:  The refrigerator is still on the trailer as we speak.  Jim was going to try to unload it using the backhoe, but that didn't work out quite as well as we had hoped.  So, we covered it in tarp, and are going to try again next weekend, when we perhaps bring an appliance dolly with us.  Wasn't pretty. We worked for the longest, trying to figure out a way to get the refrigerator off the trailer.. didn't happen.  We didn't get back on the road to drive home until... 8:30 pm.. It was cold and dark, and we were exhausted and hurting.  We didn't pull into our driveway in Provo until about 12:30 am.. not good...  The alarm rang at 5:15 this morning, and I could barely move with all the aches and pains... Jim asked me how I was feeling and I told him I was really achy.. .He was still laying in bed, and said that he felt pretty good.. I told him to just wait until his feet his the floor... I was right... He's in pain too!  Poor man.  Getting old sucks.

The Good:  The prow at the front of the cabin looks fabulous.  The view is amazing, and we are thrilled.

The Bad:  We're still waiting for the windows for the prow to be delivered so they can be installed.

The Ugly:  A family of birds has moved into the very top of the prow, and seem to call it home.  They're pooped all over my living room floor... Not happy.  They are about to get an eviction notice, and it's not going to be pretty.

The Good:  The days are beautiful - perfect for working - not too hot, just a nice breeze to keep things moving.

The Bad:  There still is a little bit of rain, but not too much..

The Ugly:  The evenings are really cold, especially when you don't bring a jacket and aren't wearing socks...  I know.. you don't have to tell me.

The adventure continues... after we take a nap...

Jim and Cheri

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