Sunday, September 24, 2017 whoops?

Well, the weekend didn't go quite as planned, but it was memorable and monumental, none the less.

If you follow us on facebook, you'll know that we walked the Suicide Awareness Walk in Ogden on Saturday morning - longest mile of my life, I swear...  But, we made it, we didn't bail out, and we actually feel pretty good about the whole thing.  We were going to go to Mahayla's hockey game at 4 that afternoon, but we didn't get everything packed into the U-Haul trailer, so we felt it best that we go home, and load the trailer and get on the road.

Look close, that's a 12 X 12 X 10 foot long piece of rough hewn log in there.  It will be the mantel over the wood burning stove.

Well, loading up the trailer didn't work quite as planned either. We got home, absolutely exhausted...  I slept most of the drive from Ogden to Provo, and when we got home, it was raining.  I have been battling a little congestion issue - actually I've been battling it every fall and winter for the past 10 years - it gets to be a little on the cold side, and I get this horrible rattle in my chest that is just about unbearable. So, we had a change of plans... Jim went to storage to load the trailer, and I stayed home, out of the weather.

Jim goes to storage, loads the trailer and comes home... and both of us decide that we are absolutely exhausted and we need a nap... So, we took a nap.  I set the alarm  for an hour, and after an hour, Jim said that I need to set it for another hour.  After the 2nd hour, we have a change of plans, and decide to leave early Sunday morning.

So, I set the alarm for 7 am, and we get up and are on the road by 8. We get as far as Beaver, Utah, and we're in the middle of a snowstorm... snow?  Really?  It's only September.  The temperature outside was 34 degrees... and snowing...  I couldn't believe it.

We get to the cabin, and see that the windows have been installed.. How freakin' exciting!!!  I love these kind of surprises!

If you remember from last week, we had this HUGE refrigerator that we took down to the cabin.  It ended up spending the week on the back of our trailer covered with a blue tarp... we couldn't get it off the trailer.  It took 3 men and a forklift to get it into the trailer, and we had this stupid idea we could get it off with one person and an appliance dolly... So, we back the trailer up to the cabin, and put a board across the back of the trailer, and we decided to tilt the refrigerator backwards, and then pull the refrigerator into the cabin... Well, we tilted the refrigerator back, it hit the wood, and slid all the way down the trailer and onto the ground...  Woops...

We had the couple from down the street come driving by on their side by side, and we flagged them down, and they came by... we explained the problem, and agreed that we needed more help.. They called friends, and they came over and with the help of 3 men, and 1 woman, and our backhoe, we got the 1,000 lbs. refrigerator upright and into the cabin...  a little bit of damage, but nothing that can't be repaired...  Thank goodness.

Before we left, we got the kitchen window in the basement installed, and the sliding glass door in the basement.  We were going to install the last garage window, but it got way too late, so we are putting that one off until next week.

All in all, it was a pretty successful and busy weekend...  The adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri

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