Sunday, September 10, 2017

What Do You Think We Do At 5:44 am?

This weekend was another quick trip down to the cabin - and though lots was accomplished, it seemed like a quick trip.

We were going to drive down on Friday night, because we needed to make a trip to pick up some wood at Sunroc Lumber in Cedar City.. BUT, we didn't get things loaded up until late Friday night, which would have made up get into the cabin after midnight, so we bagged that idea.

Jim picked up the two stained glass windows in the morning, and two sets of french doors after work.  We left on Saturday morning, for the cabin, and made it in plenty of time. We didn't make it to Sunroc, but we made it in enough time to do a little grocery shopping in Panguitch, and have a really nice dinner at the trailer.

We had made a trip to Harbor Freight in Orem before we left town to purchase some lights to go in the basement.  We're still powering the RV and the house now with extension cords and the power pole, but it works.  Jim got the lights up in the basement, and it gave us the opportunity to do a little work on Saturday evening.

After dinner, and after a little RV cleanup, we get into bed.  It was a little on the chilly side, so, for the first time this year, we had to turn the heater on.  It worked like a charm.

At 5:44 am, on this lovely Sunday morning,  Jim's cell phone rings, and the mom in me took over immediately.  As I'm rushing to get the phone, I'm freaking trying to figure out which one of my kids or grandchildren were sick or hurt, or had to be rushed to the hospital, or maybe my mother was having problem.... a 100 things went through my mind.  As I got to the phone, I saw that the number was from Ron at Sunroc...  Ron.. at Sunroc.. at 5:44 am on a Sunday morning?  Really?  I hand the phone to Jim, and with as quiet as it is at the cabin, especially in the middle of the night, I hear..."Jim, is that you? This is Ron from Sunroc, hope I didn't wake you up... I just wanted to know what time you'll meet me at the store to pick up your lumber?"... Really?  Jim does the, "Yes, we were asleep"... and I'm in the background saying, "Of course we're asleep, Ron... it's 5:44 am on a Sunday morning.. dude, really?"  Jim tells him that we'll call him back.. in a couple of hours...  how about 5 hours....  couldn't believe it...

And, in about 3 hours, we actually got up, and got moving for the day...  I don't know what everybody else in Utah is doing at 5:44 am, you may be getting ready for church, you may be feeding a baby, you may be romancing, but at that time of the morning, on a Sunday, the Streeter household is asleep...

We made a trip to Panguitch to empty out a little more of the storage building, and then, headed to Cedar City to meet Ron at Sunroc...  It amazed me that the guy was working on Sunday.. He opened the store just for us, and we were able to pick up the lumber.  I asked him what time he gets up in the morning, and he said between 4 and 5.. every day...  Oh. My. Hell... I'm still in shock... Jim tells  Ron that we're not really morning people - that was the understatement of the year!

We got back to the cabin, unloaded the beautiful 3 X 12 inch rough hewn lumber to be used as stair treads.  Twelve feet long.  Talk about heavy!

And our contractor showed up to do a walk through... We're just about done with the framing.  The tyvek and the windows and doors will go in next, and after that, the cabin will be all sealed up for winter.  Travis, our contractor, built me some stairs...  Now, I can actually get into the 1st level...

While we were visiting with the contractor, we had a visit from our neighbours, Ron and Mary.

They told us that there were four bears roaming the neighborhood...  Um... four bears?  Apparently, over the Labor Day weekend, people were having BBQ's and leaving their trash out by the road - um, there's no trash pick up people - that's what the dumpster is for...  Anyways, the bears were attracted to the smell, and came for a taste...  Somewhat concerns me...

I saw this little picture on facebook, and it gave me a heads up of our situation... not really, but it made me giggle.

We're making such amazing progress... I'm stoked.

The next phase has begun.  Windows and doors.

The amazing adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri

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