Monday, October 9, 2017

Busy, Busy, Busy, Busy

To say this past weekend was busy, is truly an understatement.

We started the weekend off by traveling down to the cabin on Friday night.  Jim's son, James was running the St. George Marathon on Saturday morning, and we figured it would be a smart move to drive down as far as the cabin on Friday night, and then it would be an easier drive to St. George on Saturday morning.

We got to the cabin a 0 dark hundred, and it was freezing.... 29 degrees worth of freezing.  We turned on the heater in the RV, and slept with two big, thick blankets and hoodies on... got up on Saturday morning, and it was still freezing cold.

We drove down to St. George, and waited with the thousands of other people waiting for our runner to cross the finish line.  James has been such an inspiration to everyone.  Several years ago, he decided to change his life, and got on a diet and exercise program and dropped around 250 lbs. in two years. no kidding...  And, on Saturday, ran the marathon and shaved a cool 45 minutes off his marathon time.  5 hrs. 35 minutes for his second marathon.  I must admit, I was truly teary eyed watching him cross the line..  so proud.

After visiting with James a little bit after the race, we headed back to the cabin.  With so much to do, it's a little hard at time to decided exactly WHAT to do.  We were missing the kitchen window, so we had bought one during the week.  That was the first to go in...Was so exciting... I now have a kitchen window to view my domain from!

Jim put up strings of lights on the main level, because before long, we are going to be working after the sun goes down - no more of this working outside until 9 at night.  We went into town for dinner, and left the lights on while we were gone.  That way, we could see exactly where our house was from the base of the mountain.. and sure enough, driving up, we could see all these little lights shining.. Really was exciting.

The RV wasn't quite so cold the 2nd night...  We didn't have to wear hoodies and the RV was quite warm.

Sunday morning I unloaded the trailer while Jim worked.  We were able to get all the duct work for the furnace system in the cabin.  We scored on this one.  The 70 year old next door neighbor had it in his garage and traded one home cooked dinner and two haircuts!

The next big project Jim had was to install the front door.  It didn't come with a door frame, so he had to build one.

I thought it looked like a coffin, but, no, it actually was a door frame.

He got it installed and the two of us got the door in the hinges and nailed into place.  I think it looks beautiful.

We are trying so hard to get the whole cabin all closed up for wintertime.  We are missing an exterior door for the back side of the garage, so that is our purchase for this week.  I'm still waiting for my stained glass piece to be done - would be nice if it was ready for this weekend.

Usually, when it gets to be about 4 in the afternoon, I start telling Jim that we need to start packing up to go home.  At 4 in the afternoon on Sunday, he was still in the middle of installing the front door, so we were a little late getting out....  If we leave at 4 or so, we get home about 8...  Well, we ended up leaving around 7:30, got into Panguitch, and realized Jim had forgot his wallet at the cabin, and had to go back...  so, we were back on the road at 8:30 pm and didn't make it home until 12:30... totally exhausted.

We didn't see a single deer this time - I don't know where they are hiding.. we saw lots of rabbits, smelled lots of skunks, and this time, we saw a family of three, fat raccoons on the road.  I think they were trying to cross the road, but when they saw our big truck coming, they ran back into the brush... I've never seen raccoons there before... I imagine there's all kinds of interesting creatures lurking in those woods.

Today was Canadian Thanksgiving, and as we crawled into bed last night, I told Jim what I was thankful for... and that is... him...  He's an amazing husband, supportive of me and my crazy ideas, and has such a warm and loving heart.  Although I am thankful that we have the opportunity to build this cabin, and complete a dream of ours, Jim keeps my spirits up, and makes me smile.

I am blessed.  And, the amazing adventure continues.

Jim and Cheri

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